Chapter 19: Horror

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We charged down the valley, our shadows cast by the flame behind us. We looked around for the Jarl, or Tykir, and we found both in the valley below. We rushed down to Tykir; he was closer.


On closer inspection, we saw he was covered in blood, and a large bleeding gash on his left arm.

"I need to go help the Jarl." He said coldly, running into the battle.

Jarl Thorald was hacking down men left and right until an arrow embedded itself into his chest. A second arrow soared into his shoulder, but he kept fighting. One of the reds put a huge gash in his side with a large, two handed axe. Finally, an arrow went through his head. He fell to the ground, very obviously dead. Tykir ran to the fray, swing and bashing rapidly with his sword and shield. He slashed someone deep in the stomach, his intestines showing. Tykir shield-bashed a red, and quickly thrust his sword into his throat, his blade dripping with blood. A man in plate armor came up to Tykir, and he bashed him to the floor, and stabbed a chink in the armor. The man was bleeding profusely, and Tykir left him on the ground to die. Several more men charged him, and he plowed through them effortlessly. Nothing could stop Tykir, until he took an arrow directly in the chest. Tykir collapsed to the ground, and we all ran in to help him, well, Ulfar and I were limping. Aesa drove an axe into a man's shield, then kicked him to the floor and swung her axe into his chest. We were under heavy archer fire, but Aesa was suppressing them. Ulfar and I kept up the offensive, creating a ring around Tykir. Harrison was trying to tend to his wounds with the fight all around us. I was focused on keeping the enemies at bay, and nothing else, until Harrison shouted at me.

"Aesas been hit!"

Suddenly my focus broke, I ran back to Harrison. She had an arrow deep in her stomach. Ulfar was losing focus too, without me he couldn't stand much longer. I had to defend my friends. With a new found rage, I charged. I sucked up the pain in my leg, and fought like a tornado of blades, cutting down everything in my path.

"Get the wounded back, Harrison!" I shouted, mid beheading.

Finally, they put a stop to my rampage. I was surrounded, I couldn't survive longer unless I surrendered. I thought of Tykir, Aesa... everyone they had hurt. Rage welled up inside me, but I laid down my arms. I had a plan.

After awhile of transportation, an officer confronted me.

"Right, you're a prisoner of war kid. But that doesn't mean you'll be treated well."

"I thought people from abigorn were supposed to be chivalrous."

"You'll get to know me, I'm the opposite of chivalrous."

I had to execute my plan now, I always kept a dagger on me. I quickly pulled it out, and tried to stab him. Before I could make it to his face, he kicked me in the groin.

"If you are going to play dirty, so will I." He said mockingly.

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