Chapter 5: Introduction

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I briefly got up, during the raging battle. I saw Harold fighting hard, now wielding his dagger and a sword. I could see him cutting through raiders with ease, one after another, slicing around like a whirlwind of skillful combat. An arrow went right over my head, and landed in Harold's stomach. He was struck down by one of the raiders, with large slash on the back. Blood was pouring from his back, as he laid face down in the ground. I fell back unconscious.

I was next woke in the morning, only to find a few sparse raiders clearly preparing to leave. I quickly got up, hid behind a half burnt wall, I searched a couple of corpses for anything of value before I left, picked up that damned shovel, then made my way out. I had a large bruise on my head, and some bloody cuts from combat. I was in desperate need for help, and was in terrible shape. I went to Azercine, the nearby town, and sold my shield, and used some coins I scavenged from the raiders to buy a horse, some supplies, and a miniscule amount of rations. With a need for revenge, purpose and adventure, I rode north to Terriven

After 13 days of travelling, I ran out of food. I stopped at a nearby village. With only 17 florins, I could barely afford rations for my journey. Not to mention my worn supplies. I decided to test my luck, and treated myself to a good warm meal in the Tavern. I thought I should stop and work here for awhile, make some money for my journey. Maybe get a lodging and start an apprenticeship. I met Tanner here, we ended up at the same table. I Introduced myself and told my story. He replied

"Must be hard on ye, eh?" I quickly identified his accent as Verethinian.

"Are you from Verethin?" I inquire

"Aye! My accent gives me away, eh?"

"Very clearly, yes."

"Oh! I hav'n even introduced meself. I'm Tanner."

"Good to meet you Tanner, how old are you?"

"Oh... hard to recall. Around 26 I figure." he replies

"I could use some work, I don't suppose you could give me a job around here?"

"Ha! Lad, I'm a traveller too. Some of me family left their farmhouse to me up in Terriven."

"Oh? I could work for you at the farm. Im headed up to Terriven too. The only problem is that I'm a bit low on coin for my travels. I could work for you to make up any debt I owe you, if you let me travel with you." I ask

"Convincing offer there lad... I suppose I'll need some workers."

"Is it a deal then?"

"Eh, aye. Deal."

"I need some rest... I'll meet you in the morning then?"

"Aye lad, the mornin', ya need the rest anyways"

I decided to spend just a bit more on a room in the tavern.

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