Chapter 15: Shadows

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I could swear I was still seeing that blue-cloaked man occasionally, almost as if he was stalking our army. I was paranoid he was a spy, watching our armies' movements to set a trap, or an assassin to murder Jarl Thorald. Honestly, I just didn't know. I told Harrison about it.

"It's probably just some kid watching the army march by." he replies

"If it's just a kid, he's a nimble one. I saw him in one place, and a different the next!"

"It's nothing, don't worry about it."

As the army slowly made its way through the city, I only felt more and more paranoid. I saw the cloaked man again, in an ally. I decided this was my only chance to bring this spy to justice, and followed him in. Before I knew what was going on, there were 4 of them. I guess he wasn't alone in the alley. They encircled me and approached me, all with daggers out. One stood out, He had a Brown cloak and a large, metal mace.

Thankfully I was still armed, but I didn't last long. I pulled out my swords and thrust towards the Brown-cloaked figure. He effortlessly blocked both strikes. I kept trying to break his defense, swing after swing, and I finally cut his leg pretty badly. That's when he ordered the other men to go to me. I felt a burning pain in my stomach, coming from three different directions, They'd stabbed me. Promptly, the Brown cloaked man raised his mace and knocked me unconscious.

I awoke in a pitch black basement. There was no sound, no light, and an awful stench. This time, thankfully, I wasn't tied up. I tried to pull out my swords, they weren't there, I tried to pull out my dagger, wasn't there. Infact, I was in different clothes all together. It was a torn, dirty brown shirt and pants. I stumbled over to what appeared to be the stairs, and almost fell climbing them in the dark. The door had some light behind it, but It was locked. There was no point screaming for help. I was feeling around the room more and letting my eyes adjust when I felt a sharp pain in my ankle. I quickly turned around and looked to the floor only to see a large, furry spider.

"Fuckin' spider!" I yelled in fear

Spiders were the one thing that I absolutely hated. If there was one here I couldn't be sure how many more there were, and I could barely even see the room. For a moment, this feeling of fear and unknowingness game me a sensation of mortal fear, I had nowhere to go, and no way to see. I couldn't run, I couldn't do anything about it. Luckily, It seemed like someone heard me shout. The door creaked open and light poured in the room, I sprinted up the stairs and ran to whatever could be on the other side of the door. The Brown-cloaked man kicked me back down the stairs, and threw me a torch, then he locked the door again. I grabbed the torch, and looked around the room, only to see a spider emerging from a hole in the wall. I darted my eyes around the room and spotted 5...6...7 other spiders in the room. I was too in panic to think of a plan, or look for anything else around the room. I ran to the door, and pounded on it over and over, and out of the back of my mind I had a thought. I placed the torch at the foot of the door, and watched the spiders encroach on my position. The door caught fire, but so did the handle to the torch. It would take a long time for the door to burn, so I had to keep the spiders at bay. To keep them from coming closer, I ripped a piece of my shirt and lit it on fire, then threw it around me. The lower half of the door was beginning to darken, but the spiders were on the walls now, avoiding the flames. The door was now completely on fire, I just had to wait a bit longer. The spiders were getting closer by the second, climbing up the walls, even on the ceiling. One of the spiders lowered down in front of my face, and I stumbled backwards into the flaming door. Part of the door fragmented and broke, a jagged piece of flaming wood stuck into my back. My shirt was on fire as well. I got on my feet and kicked the door down, my bare foot now had burn marks and wood splinters in it, but atlast I was out of that wretched basement. I walked a few steps and went into a different, lit room and closed the door, then collapsed on the floor in pain. I reached to my back and quickly pulled out the piece of still-burning wood. My hand had burns from extracting it. I sat back against the wall, exhausted. I felt around my stomach and found my 3 large cuts, which were all still open. I looked at my angle and saw a yellowish red swelling scab. If I didn't get help quickly I would most likely die. All I could bring myself to do was look around the room, and I saw a long stretched hallway, with a Brown-cloaked figure at the end.

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