"Lorraine Donnegan"

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(Sunday 19th February 2012)


(The girl's room)

*The girls are beautifully fast asleep when Robotboy suddenly walks into the room*

Robotboy: Good morning ladies! Rise and shine! *Claps his hands twice*

*The girls all groan as they're awoken*

Breaunna: *Groans and speaks in a heavily tired voice* What time is it? 

Alexis: *Groans also* I don't even know! *Rubbing her head*

Robotboy: Why it's 8 O'clock girls!

Breaunna: *Tired voice* Wow! 8 Oclock?

Zonnique: *Tired voice* Damn! It's still pretty early! 

Robotboy: Well, that's the whole point! You're meant to be waking up at this time!

Breaunna: Yeah! When we're going to school!

The girls: *Laugh* 

Robotboy: Ah so I see! Miss Breaunna Womack wants to be little Miss "Big Mouth" again huh?  *He expresses in an angry tone*

Breaunna: Well ya gotta admit! "I was born this way" right girls? *She looks back at them*

The girls: Yep!

Breaunna: Exactly! So what you gonna do about it Robotboy?

*Breaunna and all the girls smirk at him*

Robotboy: Hphm! Well that's very easy Breaunna! *He turns his head to the door* You can come in now ma lady!

*A young and tall blonde haired woman in her early 30's comes walking into the room*

Chlo: *Gasps loudly*

Lula, Chlo and Gabriella: "LORRAINE DONNEGAN!!!?"

NOTE: Lorraine Donnegan's picture is at the top in the multimedia.   

The other girls: Huh? 

Zonnique: Who's that? *Pointing at Lorraine*

Keyara: Yeah?

Lula: *African accent/dialect* Only the meanest staff at our school! Our school benefactor!

Chlo: *English accent/dialect* And the biggest liar too! She once tried to kick us all out, and change our entire school completely into a "paying private school" 

The other girls: *Gasps loudly*

Gabriella: *English accent/dialect* Mhm! She even once tried to set a student on fire! But luckily someone stopped her on time! 

Lorraine: *English accent/dialect* And I would've got away with it if it wasn't for meddling kids like you!

Bahja: Hphm! You've managed to make a very "good first impression" of yourself, haven't you? 

Lorraine: *English accent/dialect* Oh shut up Bahja Rodriguez! At least I don't look or dress like a "pink ferball!" 

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