No MILF, Just FILF (I)

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Summary: Ashton dated Luke's mother without knowing that she had a son. Ashton had horrible experiences with single mothers so he decided to end the relationship, however, Luke attempted to change Ashton's mind about leaving his mother using Ashton's secret against him.

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"Hey, babe," Ashton planted kisses on Stacey's cheeks, forehead, then lips.

Stacey had invited Ashton over for dinner and to meet her beloved family. The two of them have been seriously dating for half a year and they were ready to take their relationship a step higher. Ashton had expected an elderly couple sitting at the dining table and maybe an adult or two, since Stacey did mention meeting her family. When he followed behind Stacey to the kitchen and stopping by the dining table, all he saw was a young man, no older than 18, slouching forward on his seat and engrossed in his phone. Ashton felt a ball of air stuck midway in his throat and coughed it out, gaining the attention of the young man.

"Oh, hi, you're here. You must be Mr. Irwin, I'm Luke," the lanky boy held out his right hand for a shake.

The fact that he addressed Ashton as Mr. Irwin got Ashton wondering of his relation to Stacey, also in fear that it was one of the same constants. Ashton entered the kitchen and saw Stacey busy cooking away, multi-tasking between pots and pans and even kept an eye on the baking oven. She was preparing a huge meal and wanted it to be special but Ashton couldn't help but feel betrayed.

"So, is Luke who I think he is?" Ashton voiced out, giving Stacey a fright from not knowing that he was behind her.

"Ashton..," Stacey whispered.

"No, just say it. It's a little too late to lie to my face this time," he muttered, clenching his teeth and holding his anger back.

"Yes," she sighed, "Luke is my son, but he's different, baby. I promise you, we'll be fine–," she tried to convince him until he cut her off.

"It'll never work. I've told you since the first day we met that I can't ever date single Moms but you deliberately lied to me? You lied to me for the past 6 months and suddenly," Ashton forced a light chuckle, "Oh, suddenly, I am expected to be okay with it just because you think that it'll work out?"

Seeing her watery eyes, Ashton spoke softer than he already was.

"I'm not going to fight with you on this. It's straightforward — we're done," Ashton said before walking out the kitchen door and found Luke standing right beside it.

Luke had been listening to their conversation and when Ashton met his eyes, they were filled with anger and annoyance while Ashton's were filled with sadness and distraught. Ashton took little to no time to grab his belongings from the dining table and showed himself out. However, Stacey took a while to get back to cooking and when Luke heard her sniffs and sobs, he made the decision to run after Ashton and have a word with him.

"Mr. Irwin!" Luke called out to Ashton, running down the pavement, "Mr. Irwin, please, stop!"

Ashton turned around and watched the slim figure stop running right beside him and then continued walking slowly together.

"It was nice knowing you, Luke. Don't worry, I won't ruin your family and whatnot," Ashton cut Luke off before the latter even began to speak.

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