Double Trouble

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Summary: Luke and Ashton kept their relationship a secret because they both have yet to come out of the closet. Ashton took a step further and got in a relationship with a girl just to put up a front for his family members. One day, Ashton's family insisted to have Ashton's girlfriend over and everything became a heated mess.

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"Ashton! Why don't you bring your girlfriend over next week? I'll prepare a feast!" Mum raised her voice above the television's volume.

I knew that the day was going to come — where my family wanted to meet my girlfriend and I would not be ready because she was not really my girlfriend. Well, actually, she was, but I wasn't really in love with her. Honestly, Barbara is an amazing girl and she's beautiful, no doubt about that. The problem is that I didn't even like girls in the first place. Furthermore, Luke was the love of my life — he had been my everything for three years and he would still be my everything for the rest of it.

Luke did not know that I was "dating" a girl behind his back. I knew that if I told him about her, he would be extremely jealous and paranoid and I didn't want to put him through that. I had planned to come out of the closet to my family members by the end of the year and I was already feeling twice as confident about my sexuality with being who I was. I just couldn't wait for the day that Luke and I could be in love and be okay with it at the same time.

you: hey my parents want you to come over for dinner some time next week. when are you down?

barbara: just your parents? don't you want me to come over for dinner too? :P

I rolled my eyes.

you: haha yeah of course. so when could you come?

barbara: i think saturday should be fine!

you: alright then i'll pick you up at 6?

barbara: actually, is it okay if i brought my little brother? my parents will be out of town next week and i don't want to leave him alone at home :( if he could come then we'll just drive over :)

you: yeah sure the more the merrier

I was wrong. The more, the not merrier at all.

When Saturday came, I helped Mum clean the house while she prepared really fancy dishes that she usually prepared for Thanksgiving or for someone's birthday. At 6:10 PM, the doorbell rang and I went to open it. Barbara was looking gorgeous in a floral dress and her hair braided in the style of a fishtail. She gave me a hug and walked into the house and that was when I saw him — Luke.

Luke was standing one step below from where Barbara stood earlier. His face was pale like he had just seen a ghost. I tried to smile but it came off as a grimace instead. Luke ignored me, looked down on the floor and entered the house.

"This is my brother, Luke, by the way!" Barbara turned around and threw her speech back.

Luke had told me before of how much he hated his sister and how she almost never paid any attention to him. He never mentioned her name because he just loathed her so much. She bullied him and invalidated his feelings. Luke even once said, that the longer he stayed under the same roof as her, the more he was going to lose his mind. The day that I got on one knee before the beautiful being to ask him to be my boyfriend, was the day that (as he said) he felt loved in such a long time. I never wanted to hurt my beloved, especially not in such a way of pretending to date his sister.

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