He's poison too the mind

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(If you look up at the picture... You Smart and You Know What's Coming *wink *wink *nudge *nudge if you understand what I'm saying! That or I'm just trolling you and your all idiots.... Welp! I guess your all about to find out! Take it away Bill!)

Our lips pressed together slowly. His lips are so warm as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.
His hands caressed my hips, stroking my clothes, asking to be taken off. His strong grip kept me steady. His taste drugged me with the a sweet flavour.
He pulled away away slowly, my lips pulled him back.
My face was red. Looking up at The tall man. I wasn't the only one blushing, his face was tinted slightly. It was intoxicating.
"your so cute, I've missed you so much"
Before answering him. He picked me up bridle style. I didn't try moving, I was startled at how fast he was moving. We just met for the first time, and he already took my first kiss.
Taking me to a massive bed, the type that kings and royals sleep on.
He slowly placed me down on it, the soft sheets flew up when he did.
Setting next to me with his smiling face. Snapping his fingers, a cup of hot tea appeared in his hands.
He handed the cup of hot sweet tea to me. It burns my hands slightly.
The pain of the mug was forgotten when he asked."Are you afraid of me?"
My eyes, once staring the rippling tea, was starting at into the eyes of a beautiful man, that is actually a dangerous demon that killed many.
His gold orb eyes melted with the lights and pierced my heart.
He didn't scare me, he made my heart flutter, he treated me nicely.
My face burns with embarrassment as I remember us just meeting.
The kiss that leaked threw my mind.
Blood rushed to head. I took a sip of the tea, the warm drink slipped down my throat, sending warmth threw my body.
I looked away, not wanting to see his eyes.
He chuckled." So that's how you feel " a smile stretched across his face. He pulled me close with his arm around my hip. "so do you who I am?" I nodded. His face lit up even more.
I finished the tea. His smile fades, sniping his fingers, the mug disappears into thin air.
Pushing me down lightly. He pinned me down, with both hands at my side. I don't think to push him away. I already know that I Probably can't push against him.
But I doesn't mean that I'm any less scared or embarrassed of what's going to happen. My face flush with red, as he started to peel off my clothes.
I let him do what he wanted. Not fighting back or asking questions.
"you do remember don't you pine tree?" He chuckled. "I can read you throughs. And you can ask every little question you want to your hearts content, but please let me hold you, it's been such a long time since I last gazed at your beauty"
Those words crept into my head,
and my mind left me.
His hands started to roam my body. Soft moans slipped passed my lips, as he started sucking on my neck. Sucking turned to biting. He left hickeys all over my neck and spread to my shoulders.
His sharp teeth felt good pressing against my skin.
The pain and pleasure mixed together. My soft moans turns to loud and sharp gasps and moans as Bill began to rub up against... my ...my erection?
This can't be happening...
I've never had one before. It felt painful, but it felt good to be touched.
if I didn't have memory of him or my past life spent with him would it still feel this good?
"Ah!" "That was so cute" he laughed. Kissing my lips, I let out another moan.
Bill ripped my pants off, tossing it off the bed.
Even if I was now naked, I didn't feel cold, Bill sent heat running through vanes.
Bill striped of his shirt, licking his lips.
In all of my dreams and memories, I've never seen Bill naked, this all was new to me.
Bill retched down to touch my member," A-Ah!B-Bill! Don't!"
He continued to touch my member. Letting out moans, I try to stop him from touching me there.
He bite my nipples as he giggles to himself.
If he really can read my mind then he must be taking pleasure from me being a virgin and never doing stuff like this."yes your right Pine tree, but I'm also happy that I get to be your first"
I wanted to answer him, but I didn't get a word in before something slipped inside my entrance "ngh! Ahh!?!"
I started to gasp in pain, it over took my body. One of Bills hands held mine and the other held waste. "Shhhh, it's ok... I know it's painful right now but it will become pleasurable soon" his voice was smooth with a bit of shaking in it. I could feel every movement he made, every trust. With every movement moans escaped my mouth, the pain was being taken over by pleasure.
I wrapped my arms around Bills neck, pulling him closer. " B-Bill! F-Ffast-Faster!"
I bite my lips trying not to scream or bite him.
"Come on pine tree, I want to here you more"
I opened my mouth and bite him, I bite him as hard as I can.
Blood streamed down his neck. I lick the sweet blood the ran down his neck.
A smile pulled on my face as I lick my lips, he smirked down at me.
I soon after we cam.
I drifted of to sleep, I was relaxed and satisfied.
"Sweet dreams My sweet pine tree, now that I. Have you again... I will never let you go ever again"

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