Overveiw of what it would look like if I did rewrite this

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1. I would fix any and all spelling errors I made in the past. (I made a lot.) and I'm doing it all while being dyslexic, so I apologize for any messing up.
2. I would add more story and maybe change it a little. (Different ending?????)
3. I may delete my old work of this book and re-upload it.


If you guys, want, I can update along side you. So that means, changing one chapter at a time, so when you guys go to read, it may look different.

4. I would update my account, so if you follow me, you will be aware when it's all done.

I haven't been on Wattpad for a long time and I kinda forgot how this all works. Imma Ao3 girl now,  because Wattpad was kinda suffocating and my writing was changing with the times and Wattpad was kinda the place for either REALLY good writers or new fanfic writers.

Wattpad for me was always an experiment so when the spark died, I left and find something new. But I'm back now, so I hope I can do my best.

5. Once I start writing, no going back. I'm not half assing this anymore. So if any of really like this one and don't need a new one, tell me now so I know weather or not to just rewrite it and post it like a separate story.

6. Thank you all for being so patient with me. I really did miss you guys.

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