Don't Call Me "Baby"

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(sorry to anyone who is religious. There's a some dissing of God. And no haters! or I'll delete your comments!)

"Wait Bill, if I'm human, but I was reincarnated, and if demons are and, you said heavens, so, then is God real?" I asked him.

He looked down at me, and sighed," yeah, he's real, a real douchebag. He might be the Almighty Creator of the world, but he sure fucked up a lot of things. Like you," he said, bopping my nose. " Ha, he thought that you could kill me," he laughed.

I looked up more confused," Bill, what are you talking about?" I asked. He just looked at me as an idiot. "Bill, I don't understand? What are talking about?" I urged. "I was sent, to kill you?!"

Sighing, he stroked my hair,"yeah," he said.

"Why? I can't go anything to kill a demon," I said looking down.

Bill, kissing my neck," I didn't expect you to remember on your own. So I'll tell you," he said. " just hold on for a second," he laughed.
I didn't know what that meant, until he rose from the water, struggling to hold on I wrap my arms around his neck, and cross my legs around his waist so I wouldn't fall. He placed his hands underneath my ass, and begun to walk to the middle of the water. He sat down on a stone cylinder slab that peeked over the water. Placing me on his lap again. " there. Now you can't run away if you get mad," he said.

I was still very confused.

"So, every human being has a purpose on this earth. Whether it's for better or worse God decides; but, sometimes that purpose changes or warps depending where you live, the people around you, your parents, your religion, crap like that. But you, you are, or you were a God of some kind; that birthmark of the big dipper on your forehead is actually a sign that you were an all powerful being of wishes and dreams. You were the one to create worlds, but God takes all the credit because he can create life. God though because you could also manipulate dreams, desires, wishes, create or destroy worlds, that you can or could kill me. But something went wrong, when you were incarnated into a human for the first time, your memories, your mission, your reason for coming here was lost. You were just a normal blank slate.
Well, you almost killed me, you almost killed me with the happiness, joy, sadness, anger and experience of being in love. And once you died, I couldn't live with myself," he said, tears were in his eyes as he hugged me tighter. Like if he let go, he knew Id never come back.

Tears filled my eyes, my heart grew heavy as I began to sod. How could I very kill him, I feel so happy around him, so much joy and happiness, but also fear.
"Bill, I could never kill you," I whispered in to his ear, his arms quoll around my hips, squiring me.

"I know," he whispered softly. Looking me in the eyes, he smiles leaning towards me, our lips touch, soft and smooth. My eyes flutter closed. Our lips moved with each other.
Once the kiss was broken, Bill gave a chuckle, "well, I think we're clean enough,"  he said, picking me up again.

---(time skip! Because I'm lazy)---

Bill sat me down on the bed, he stared down blankly at me, his eyes full of pure lust. Leaning down, he took my hand, kissing the top. " . .... . baby," he whispered softly into my skin.

Did he just call me a baby? I looked up at him, right onto his cold, lustful eyes,"don't call my a baby," I pouted, I said coldly.

Bill looked stunned, his face froze, "what? What did you just say?" He asked.

Looking away, I puffed out my cheeks," don't call me a Baby," I repeated.

His eyes shoot open,"pfft, Haha-Pine tree! I didn't mean ' your a baby' I said, I want a baby, that was the cutest thing have ever done!" He laughed.

I was so embarrassed for-Wait! Did-Did he just say-!? "Bill, me and you... we can't... it-it's just not possible," I stuttered out, my face was pure red, with embarrassed.

Bill let out a soft chuckle, he moved his hand to the middle of my chest, pushing me to my back, " your smart pine tree, but that is how humans do it, we're going to do it like the devil. Trust me, I'll get you pregnant, just give me two days," he cooed, his eyes deepened with lust and greed, he pulled the cloth from my waist. Revealing my naked body. I covered my face in shame.

"What a wonderful view," Bill said, licking his lips," I want to see more," he cooed into my ear, pinning both of my hands above my head," you ready, for two full days of hell?" He asked, with a devilish grin on his face.

"Y-yes, please make-make me preg-pregnant," I whimpered

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