Chapter One

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*That's the full cover, BTW*

"Ozzy! Ozzy! Ozzy.... Ozzy!" Mickey began to annoy Oswald as Oswald was trying to write an essay about how his life is going on. And I'm telling you, it's not really going well with Mickey, annoying him. "What is it, Mick?!" He said while annoyed.

Mickey stopped for a moment, then said it with an excited face. "Dad says that we will have another brother! We'll be big brothers now!!" Oswald's pencil snapped. Another one? Last time, when Mickey was the lost brother of Oswald, he was jealous because Mickey almost got all of their attention. But a new brother? Now? Oswald wasn't happy to what he just heard. Instead of being happy...

He was raged.

He stormed out from his room and saw his father, holding hands with their new 'brother'. He seems to be showing their new brother around. With rage, he went downstairs for answers.

"And that is... Ah! Oswald, just in time! Meet your-" before Walt could finish, Oswald cuts him out. "So you're going to replace us, huh?! One is enough, but another one is just too much!" Walt didn't say anything due to his surprise. However, the new brother spoke up.

"Greetings! My name is Bendy Bendido, but do call me Bendy!" Bendy said, while smiling. He brought out his hand for a handshake, but Oswald slapped it away with disgust. "Don't talk to me, you demon." Oswald said while staring at Bendy. But Oswald felt uncomfortable because Bendy just... Smiled it off.

"Oswald! That isn't very nice to treat your new brother that way. Bendy, would you like me to show your room?" Walt said, as Bendy shook his head. "Golly-gee, Mr. Walt! You really are too kind! But I could handle myself, so no need!" Bendy said, while Oswald was just staring at him. He does not trust this new 'brother' of his at all.

Bendy wandered around with his bags. Everything looks simple but elegant. He went upstairs and started to open his own room. It was clean. The bed was fixed, the curtains are nice to look, the desk is also organized with a few things there, including a laptop. His drawers and shelves looks real dandy and organized. Everything looks spick and spam, which made Bendy actually be surprised.

"Like it? I kind of prepared the room for you..." Bendy heard a voice behind him. He turned around and saw a mouse with a red sweater. He seems to be the one who cleaned this room up for his arrival. "Absolutely! Why wouldn't I be liking it?" Bendy said, which made the mouse smile. "I'm Mickey Mouse! Nice to meet you!" Mickey said, pulling out a hand for a handshake. Bendy shook his hand with a smile. "Bendy Bendido. Pleasure is all yours".

Mickey then, felt something quite warm inside. When Bendy's hand just made contact with his, he felt really warm and weird. Mickey thinks that maybe it's his excitement for a new brother, so he brushed it off while laughing a bit. "oh hot dog! You don't need to be formal! You are part of the family, so no need to be too formal!" Mickey said, which made Bendy scratch his head. "Heh, sorry about that, then! Before I was adopted, somebody would visit me often and lets me study with the books they brought for me . They are also formal when speaking, so I guess that habit affected me." Bendy said, adding a smile.

But their happy converse ended with a rude "ahem". They both looked to who interfere their conversation. It was Oswald. With a sour look on his face. "Oh, hey Ozzy! I'm just talking with Bendy here, and boy, he's really nice!" Mickey said, which made Bendy actually surprised. Him? Nice? Oswald grabs Mickey's arm harshly and went to his room.

"What are you doing?!" Oswald said while furious. Mickey frowned as he knew what Oswald meant. "I was opening up to him, Ozzy. I know that you are furious and all, but we have to give Bendy a chance. He was only adopted, so we should go easy on him this time." Mickey answered, with his arms crossed. Oswald couldn't answer these kind of words that comes out from Mickey's mouth. He has to say that Mickey is a smart mouse indeed.

"... Fine. But I won't go too easy on him. He has to know that not all families are happy to have a new member in the family. Got that?" Oswald said, which made Mickey sigh. They suddenly heard a knock on the door. "hello, fellow sirs! May I come in?" It was Bendy. Oswald groaned as Mickey answered with a yes and a quick stare at Oswald.

Bendy came in and closed the door softly, avoiding to do any noise at all that could disturb them. He smiled at them once he did that successfully. "Well, what are you fellow brothers talking about? Is it about me?" He said, which made the two of them surprised. How did Bendy know that they were discussing about him? Mickey was sure that Bendy was preparing his stuff out when he was pulled away by Oswald.

"There's no use in lying, you know?" Bendy said, while holding his Cane. Mickey was actually quite curious of why Bendy has that cane. "But it's fine! I just arrived here, so it must be natural for you fellow sirs to discuss some things about me!" Bendy said, still holding the cane. Oswald felt a little uneasy about Bendy holding that cane. And believe me, Oswald felt threatened as he takes a look at it. "Maybe you could let go of that stupid cane. It looks quite threatening." Oswald said, which made Bendy smile.

"Oh, you think? This cane itself looks intimidating and threatening, but it was actually from the person who visited me often. They gave me this cane yesterday, since they knew about me, getting adopted." Answered Bendy. Mickey gave Oswald a 'See, I told you.' look. Oswald sighed with annoyance as Mickey has a point. Well, for now.

"Boys! Dinner!" Their mother, Lillian, said. The three of them went down. Bendy puts his cane in his room first then went downstairs with Oswald and​ Mickey. The smell of carrot soup, chicken, pasta, and rice filled the three with hunger.

The three of them sat down. Before they could eat, all except Bendy said "Thank you for the food" and began eating. Bendy was confused, considering the fact that he's new around here. Oswald and Mickey noticed that, which made Oswald snicker. Mickey elbowed Oswald with a "Oswald, no."

Bendy sighed and shrugged it off. He began to pick his food. He picked the pasta and 2 chicken fillets. And boy, was it delicious! But he remembered the time that they used to deliver him chicken fillet and pasta. Bendy was just silently eating. To Oswald's and Mickey's surprise, he was eating in a polite way. It seems that Bendy know his table manners.

As they were all done, Walt announced that school will start tomorrow and he already handled everything, including the school supplies. Oswald just scoffed, Mickey was excited, and Bendy was just silently listening to Walt. Everyone got up and went to their perspective rooms.

Oswald was thinking all over his mind, unable to sleep. Should he trust his new adopted brother? He shook his head with disagreement and went back to sleep.

There is no way that their newly adopted brother could open up to him.

Or can he?

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