Chapter Eleven SNEAK PEAK!

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Hey guys! So since you readers are dying for Chapter Eleven, I will be giving you guys a sneak peak of Chapter Eleven itself! However, there might be some changes, so yeah!

Sneak Peak:

Navy walked around in circles, worried for Bendy's life. Ever since they were summoned, Bendy's condition was getting worse. He would sometimes violently cough out ink, and vomit ink. Which, for them, is not a normal sign. Ichor closed the book he was reading as he sighed.

"Navy, please stop walking in circles. It's making me dizzy and disturbing my reading time, as well." Ichor said with frustration. Navy shot him a glare after saying that. "How, Ichor? How would I stop if Bendy is in danger? How would I stop if those two were at risk? How would I stop worrying.."

".. if you can't feel any emotion at all?"

Welp, that is for today, dear readers!

See you all in Chapter Eleven! ;)

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