Chapter Five

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Bendy's Point of View

"Bendy, dear. Please wake up." I heard a female voice said. I woke up and yawned. I saw Mrs. Lillian smile as she knew that I was going to wake up. "Mrs. Lillian..? What's wrong?" I said, feeling a little bit sleepy. She shook her head and hugged me.

"I'm just glad that you're okay.." She answered, which made me confused. I couldn't remember what happened.. All I could remember is just entering the classroom and that's it. Mrs. Lillian patted my head when my stomach growled.

"Your tummy is hungry, isn't it, Bendy?" She said, making me nod to her with agreement. She chuckled as we both went downstairs. Oswald and Mickey were also eating quietly. I looked at the direction of Mr. Walt's chair. He's not yet here..?

"Mrs. Lillian, what happened to Mr. Walt?" I asked, which made Oswald and Mickey stop and drop their forks and spoons. Mrs. Lillian looked at me with sad and pitiful eyes. I don't understand... We were just an okay family yesterday... What happened..?

"He's just... Over timing himself, dear." She said, then looked away from me. That's not the Mrs. Lillian I know. She is always kind and honest, not suspicious and sweetly-sick! I balled my fists and gritted my teeth, knowing that she lied to me.

I just inhaled then exhaled. I shouldn't be making a scene here. In fact, I am quite hungry indeed. I sat next to Mickey and we started to eat our food as Mrs. Lillian puts my food on my plate. Although the food tasted so good, I just can't remember what happened to Mr. Walt..

Oh well. I should eat, not worry.

~Minutes later, after eating that delicious dinner~

I was completely stuffed after that. Oswald and Mickey didn't even say a word to me. I was just wondering why they are all acting so.. Out of character.. Suddenly, I heard the phone ringing. Mrs. Lillian told me to pick it up, and I did.

"Um, hello? Is this one of Mr. Walt's family member?" A voice said, which made me quite a little uneasy. "Um, yes? And how did you know my fa- I mean, Mr. Walt?" I said, almost calling Mr. Walt father. The voice at the other line sighed.

"Sir... I'm sorry to tell you this but.. Your father didn't made it. We were too late to save him.." The voice said. I just stood there, almost motionless. "W-what do you mean..? A-and what kind of illness does h-he even have?" I shakily asked.

"He has lung cancer, sire. He was sent to the hospital yesterday due to his circulatory collapse. We are very sorry, sir." The voice said. I was assuming that this might be one of the medical nurses or doctors. "I-Is that all..?" I said, hoping that this was all they wanted me to inform.

"Actually... Before we started the operation, Mr. Walt told us that if one of his sons ever picked up the phone, They must go to his room, look under his bed, and take the box. He says that the key is inside a drawer. That is all, sir. Have a good day.." The call ended while ink tears were slowly falling.

Mr. Walt died.. Is it my fault..? 

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