Chapter Eleven

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Navy walked around in circles, worried for Bendy's life. Ever since they were summoned, Bendy's condition was getting worse. He would sometimes violently cough out ink, and vomit ink. Which, for them, is not a normal sign. Ichor closed the book he was reading as he sighed.

"Navy, please stop walking in circles. It's making me dizzy and disturbing my reading time, as well." Ichor said with frustration. Navy shot him a glare after saying that. "How, Ichor? How would I stop if Bendy is in danger? How would I stop if those two were at risk? How would I stop worrying.."

".. if you can't feel any emotion at all?"

Ichor was silent. Dead silent. He placed his book down on a nearby table and took a deep breath. "Excuse me, what were you saying?" He sassed successfully. "I was saying that you are an emotionless summoning! An emotionless reject, I must say!" Navy barked, causing for Ichor to gasp.

"Excuse me? You are one rejected blue fuck! A disgrace to people's eyes, as well! Hopefully you trip and be trapped by a bear trap and be swallowed whole by a tsunami!" Ichor spat back, resulting for the argument to get intense.

"Henry Sketch did his best! Yet Joey Drew is the only one at fault! I'd rather suck a dick for all I care! Heck, last time I checked, you are also a reject and a toon of misfortune!" Navy remarked angrily, which made Ichor punch him. "Oh I would rather die than be with you for all I care! You have always been a nuisance since our long stay! And Bendy could die for all I care!" Ichor yelled.

Navy was silent. He looked at him with disbelief while touching the place where Ichor punched him. "Ichor, what did you just say?" Navy said quietly. "He can die for all I care! I don't care if he dies! I wanted to be free, and it succeeded, all because of this idiot who was interested by curiosity!" Ichor barked, making Navy terrified from Ichor's words.

"But Ichor.. we can't be free like him..."

"Why not?! He freed us!"

"Ichor, we are different. Bendy is as free as he is, but we are only life sacrifices. We do not live longer. We could also be wiped away like dust."

"So you are saying he was trying to use us all the time for useless reasons huh, Navy?!"

"Ichor, that's not what I was implying about-"

"SHUT UP! I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! Listen, if you want it to be like that, so be it."

And with that, Ichor left Navy. Stunned by Ichor's anger and desperation for freedom, Navy broke down to tears. Clear, icy droplets of tears were falling down from his eyes. He looked back at the sleeping Bendy. It doesn't seem like Bendy was awake from that sudden outburst. He sat next to him and touched his forehead.

He felt great sadness flooding over him as he smiled weakly while he was marking his words with truth. "I will sacrifice myself for your life rather than following my desperate freedom."


Ichor stomped his way over to a room. He knew that Navy would choose another decision. He just know. He closed the door shut and screamed in a pillow. "Stupid Navy... Always the fuckin' mother figure.." He whispered. It's true, though. What Navy said back, back there, is really true. Ichor can't feel any emotion. Well, unless something happened tragically. His current emotions would always be rage, anger, and mischief.

But then, he suddenly fell down from the bed by moving too much at the edge.

He rubbed his head for support but also saw something under the bed. He got it and from what he could gather, it's a box. It looked really simple but elegant. And it seems to be fragile, too.

He tried to open the box, but soon realized that it's locked. He began to search for the key immediately. He checked under the bed again. No key. He checked the closet, but it's locked. He checked the drawers, found nothing but one.

He saw a key. A diamond key. Literally made from actual diamonds.

He really wanted to open the box. He wanted to. He wanted to see what is behind the veil. He wanted to find out why such things are here.

However, Ichor shook his head and hid it in his pocket bag. He felt a new emotion, though.

And that was curiosity itself.

Hey guys! Sorry if Chapter Eleven sucks. My laptop broke down and I have to use my phone to write Chapter Eleven. I kind of have that fever while writing Chapter Eleven, but it's still worth it!

I just wanted to say... Thank you for supporting the fanfic series. And Natty, I'm so sorry for being an inactive person. I feel really sick, but I have to force myself to do this, so I'm sorry, and I love you.

See you guys!

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