Chapter Three

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Mickey's Point Of View

Our class went all talk and noisy so far. Our teacher never came back for our actual class hour. We also have to wait until 9:30. See, Bendy said or maybe whisper something to our homeroom teacher that Oswald and I quite didn't hear. Bendy may be our new and adopted brother, But is Oswald maybe right? Then again, I shouldn't treat him so badly just because of that. Bendy may be a rebellious, devilish, new adopted brother, but maybe he has a good side, too..

Minnie shook me a little as she noticed me being quiet. I snapped to reality and faced her. She seems to be pretty worried about me, acting this way. "Mickey, are you alright?" Minnie said with a worried expression. I just smiled and told her that I was just thinking about something. She doesn't seem to take it, but she didn't press further, either.

Suddenly, Bendy gagged sickly and began to vomit ink. Black ink. He continued on for about 15 seconds, stopped, and hold his stomach for support. Then, he gagged for the second time and vomited ink again. I was scared about his health. Is he okay? I didn't see him like this during our first meeting..

Of course I wouldn't know..

He stopped after a few seconds. Everyone panicked and opened the windows, so does the doors. The smell of his vomited ink smells very suffocating and it seems to be quite toxic, considering the fact that the smell is very intoxicating.

Everyone wore their masks on to cover their mouth and half of their nose to avoid smelling or breathing the intoxicated air. The teachers seems to notice it too and pressed the alarm. The teachers told everyone to follow them to the other classroom to prevent us from suffocating.

But Oswald and I didn't leave. Instead, I went up to Bendy, although I didn't realize that I was shaking. "Bendy... Are you alright?" I said, trying to reach for him. He looked up to me, and that's where I stumbled back with fear. His face looked real messed up, and his mouth is drooling with ink. He seems to get a little bit drippy and out of shape.

"Help... Me.." He choked out with a suffocating tone, which made me feel bad for just being a scaredy cat. Then, he fell from his chair and passed out. The school guards came and one of them carried Bendy to the infirmary. The school here has 2 infirmaries, so they have taken him to the second one.

I rushed to the guards, just to see if Bendy is still vomiting or not. Then, as they went inside the infirmary, The nurses pushed me a bit, saying that they would be taking care of this and visitors are not yet allowed until they say so. Oswald went up to me with a worried face. Although Ozzy's being a jerk to Bendy, he seems to care, too.

"Is Bendy going to be okay, Ozzy?" I asked him, waiting for his response. He just kept quiet and stares at the door of the infirmary. Suddenly, we heard Bendy's voice boomed from the infirmary. And he doesn't seem to like it there..

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO! I DON'T NEED THAT SHOT! PLEASE! DON'T!" His cries were making my ears suffer, so does my heart. I just covered my mouth while tears were slowly falling. Ozzy noticed my strange behavior and patted my back. I could still hear his cries and yells, begging for them to stop.

I couldn't take it in. I pushed the doors with my strength and all of the nurses were pinning Bendy down on the bed as he was trying to struggle his way out of their grasp. The doctor seems to be trying to give him some kind of vaccine. But I was angry when I discovered that the vaccine that he has, could harm Bendy even more. It was pain killers. In vaccine form..

I pushed the doctor away aggressively and stare at the nurses with anger. They stopped from what they were doing to Bendy and backed away with fear. Bendy hugged me with ink tears falling. I comforted him by saying that everything will be okay. He was shaking very badly, too. Poor guy..

Ozzy went inside as he saw what happened. Minnie and Ortensia came, asking us of what is the commotion about. I just looked at the poor, shaking Bendy then at them. They noticed of what I was trying to answer and they also felt really sorry for him. 

"Is there any better way to make him not like this, doc? Besides the pain killer thing?" I said, making him shake his head. I just sighed and patted Bendy's back, reassuring him that I wouldn't leave him behind like this. 

"I'll be taking care of Bendy, doc. Please don't do anything stupid if I'm gone to buy him food or so. Especially you nurses over there.." I said, giving them a glare. The doc and the nurses gulped, making them shake. Ozzy, Minnie, and Ortensia told me that if we ever need help, I know who to ask. I smiled at them as I heard the bell ringing. 

It's Lunch time.

Bendy's stomach growled and I chuckled from his stomach's request. "Hungry, Bendy?" I said, making him nod. Even though we are toons, we could also eat and drink like normal people. I settled him gently on the bed, telling him to stay there until I came back. He nodded as I started to walk away from the infirmary.

My steps echoed through the halls, which is a little disturbing. As I went to the cafeteria, I checked on what's on the menu for today. They are serving Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches today. Their drinks are iced tea and lemonade.

I ordered two PB&J sandwiches, an iced tea, and lemonade. I paid for the food and I went off so that I could come back to Bendy without making him worry.

As I went inside the infirmary, I saw Ozzy talking to him. I just went inside so that they would notice that I was already here. They noticed and Bendy was trying to wave at me. I gently put his hand down once I placed the food and drinks on the table.

"It's gonna be okay, Bendy. It's gonna be okay.." I said softly, as I touched his forehead without any harsh movements. He just smiled weakly. I can't stand seeing him like this.. So weak and frail.. As if you just pull him or do anything harsh, he would break into many pieces by any moment..

I handed him his sandwich, making him shift his position from lying down to sitting carefully. We ate our food quietly without saying a word. The silence was suffocating to hear. After a few seconds of this silence, Bendy spoke up.

"I'm sorry if this ruins your day..." He said as he already finished his sandwich. I feel bad for him, not just because of what he did, but also because that he blames it all to himself. Like, as if he was thinking that he was the sinful one in the entire world.

Before I could speak up, Ozzy went first. "Don't apologize. Not your fault, anyways.." He said, mumbling almost the last part. I just chuckled from his answer while Bendy just smiled slightly. Even though Bendy and Ozzy didn't get along quite often, I sure know that Ozzy's brother side is turned on.

Then, I finally have the courage to ask him something.

"Why did you suddenly vomit in the classroom back there?"

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