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Emily's pov
After I got off of the phone with Doyle I went to sit down and I noticed that everyone was staring at me. So I just sat down and starred out the window. We were on a 3 hour flight so I just fell asleep. I was having a nightmare about me not getting pregnant and Ian kept hitting and kicking me and he threw boiling water at me saying that it was my fault that I wasn't pregnant.

JJ's pov
Everyone was asleep except for me. I looked over at Emily and she was shaking really badly. So I woke everyone up telling them that Emily was shaking like really bad and they told me to go over to her and try to wake her up and when I went over there she was saying "Stop, please stop its not my fault. Stop, stop. Please stop. Stop. I said Stop. What did I do to you?" I tap on her arm and she grabs my wrist really hard. Then she kicks my leg. I go back to the others and tell them "She keeps saying stop and its not my fault then she grabbed my wrist really hard then kicked my leg. She left a bruse on my wrist. Morgan says" she's having a nightmare but of what?" I go back over to her to try and comfert her and try to wake her up but she's shaking ten times worse and keeps saying" If I tell the team they're gonna hate me. " I go over and tell them what was going on with Emily and I notice that she's not shaking anymore and I tell them and they say" Go check her pulse. To see if it went back to normal. " I go over to her and I check for a pulse but I can't find one I scream" guys come here I can't find a pulse. " Morgan comes over checks for a pulse and cant find one either. He starts doing CPR on her and after a while she wakes up again. We all go sit back down.

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