Oops I'm in trouble

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Emilys pov
JJ just asked me if I wanted to take a ride with her. I said yes. I don't know where she's taking me. I'm guessing either the hospital or somewhere else. I don't want to go to the hospital. If I go to the hospital I'm dead. The doctors will find stuff out. The stuff I haven't told the team. As long as they don't do a drug and alcohol test. Because I drank and did drugs yesterday. Yep as I assumed we were headed to a hospital. JJ signs me in and we go to a room. I lay down on the bed. The doctor does do a drug and alcohol test. Along with other tests. He then asks me to take off the gauze. I fight with him. I end up giving him a black eye. Oops sorry not sorry. I thought. Then the team walks in. "Shit." I say out loud. I see that there is an IV that is giving me food in my left arm. I slowly take the IV out. Once it's out. I drop it on the floor. JJ then says "Emily what just dropped on the floor?" I say "Nothing." JJ then walks over to where the IV is at. She bends over and picks it up. Then says" Emily Elizabeth Prentiss." Great I'm in trouble. I say" What?" She then says " You took out your IV." I then say" I did?" "Yes you did." "Oh." Then the doctor comes in and sits next to me. He pulls out a blank piece of paper. Then he writes" What drugs are you taking?" I write " Cocaine and Weed."(IDEK) He writes " Okay, what alcohol are you drinking?" I write "Vodka." He then writes "I'm gonna tell your buddies." I write "can I be out of the room?" He says "Yes." I say" Okay." and get up out of bed. And walk outside the doctor tells everyone to stay inside as the doctor explains everything to them I run to an Suv and drive to the safe house. I call Tsia because I will tell her I'm coming. She says okay and we hang up. I'm there 2 minutes later. I walk in. I leave my phone in the car. I walk in and see Tsia and Clyde. We talk about Doyle. Then I tell them "Guys, I know where Doyle is." They say "Where?" I say " in my apartment." They say " What." I say "Yes." "And you haven't killed him?" "Nope." "Why not." "Because I can't." " Please don't tell me You're in love with him again." "..." "Emily." Then there is a knock at the door. Then a voice says "Emily Prentiss. Open the door." I say "Coming." I go to the door and look through the peephole it's my team. I open the door and say" hey guys, how you doing?" I walk out side. Hotch hands me the paper the doctor showed me. He says "What is this?" "A piece of paper." "What is on it?" "words." "Emily I'm being serious." "I am too." "Emily, you're doing drugs and drinking alcohol." "I know." Emily, you're suspended for 2 weeks give me your badge and gun." "okay." I hand him my badge and gun. "Is that all?" "Yes." Then Clyde yelled "Emily, just do it." I said "Clyde I can't. You know that." Tsia then yelled "It's for your safety, ours, and Declans." "Tsia, I'm not killing Doyle." I then started walking away when Clyde yelled "Where are you going?" "Home." "Emily, that's dangerous." "I know that." I go up to them and say "Les gars, je vais tout comprendre, il suffit de le laisser tomber, je serai de retour dans les jours qui suivent pour vous dire."(Guys I'll figure it out okay just drop it I'll be back  tommorow to tell you.)" They both say " comprendre." Then I walk outside, close the door and start walking home. The team just stood there in shock.

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