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Emilys pov
Hotch asks me to come to his office so I go to his office. He then says "Emily, when's the last time?" He means the last time I did drugs and drank. I say "The day before I went to the hospital." He says "Okay you're dismissed." When I walk out Derek's at my desk. I go over to him and say "Hey." He says " Hey, can we talk?" I say "Sure let's go to the round table room." He says "Okay." We go to the round table room. He then says "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry too." "So we good?" "We good Derek." "Okay then." he leans into kiss me. He kisses me. I instantly push him off of me. He looks at my hand and says "You're getting married?" I look at my hand and say "Yeah I am. Got a problem with it." "Yeah I do actually." "Well get over it." He then kisses me again. But this time I punch him. He says "What was that for?" " Stop kissing me." He punches me in the face. I say " Oh, two can play at that game." I punch him twice in the stomach and once in the face. He punches me four times in the face twice in the stomach then kicks my legs. That's all I could take. I just laid there then it all went black. Then I woke up in a hospital. I saw Derek and said "Derek come here." He comes over to me. I then punch him twice in the stomach. He says "What was that for?" I say "Do I need to tell you and the team what actually happened in the round table room?" He quickly shook his head no and I said "That's what I thought. Now you're going to walk to the door, go out of the door, and leave the hospital. I don't care where you go you're just not staying here. Do I make myself clear?" He said "Yes." and walked out of the room. I said "I guess you want to know what actually happened." They shake their heads yes. "Just don't give him a hard time about it. Or you can I don't care." "Okay so I walked into Hotch's office. He asked me when's the last time. I said 3 weeks. Then he said I could go. When I go to my desk Derek was there. He said he wanted to talk so we went to the round table room. He asked if we were good. I said yes. He then tries to kiss me I shove him off of me. He notices my hand and asks if I'm getting married. I say Yes and asks if he has a problem with it and he said yes. Then he tries to kiss me again then I punch him and then we end up here." JJ stepped out of the room and made a call. Then she left.

JJs pov
After Emily told me what had happened. I stepped outside to call Penelope to see where Derek was so I could beat his ass. Penelope picked up and said " Penelope at your service." "Good. I need you to track Derek's phone." "I will, but why?" "Because Chocolate Thunder hurt my best friend." "He hurt Emmy?" Emmy is what JJ and Penelope call Emily. "Hate to say it but yes he did." Oh, he is in big trouble." "I need the adress Garcia." "Oh right." 13683 Wilbert St." That's his home address.  "Thanks Garcia." "No problem my fine furry friend." Then I drive to Derek's house and give him a hard time then drive back to the hospital.

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