Visiting mom

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Emily's pov
I put on a black curve hugging knee high dress with black heels. My mother's rules are to dress presentable like you're about to meet the president. She lives in a huge house. She does live alone, well if you don't count her maids, butlers, chefs and other staff members. I use my key to open the door, I walk inside and yell "Mother where are you?" She yelled back "In the study, honey." I walk up to the study and walk through the door. I say "Hey,mom I'm gonna stay for a couple of hours. Then go back home." She says "Okay, that's good honey." She said that without looking at me. I said "Well I'm going to let you work." She replied "Okay." I walked out of the study and went to my old room. Sarah,Paige,and Quinn, the maids were in my room. Sarah is 27, Paige is 39, and Quinn is my age, 43. They are the only maids that I like. The other maids can be snappy. It is 2 pm and my flight leaves at 3 so I'll stop by to see the girls then I'll leave. I went up to my room. I yelled "You guys miss me?" They all turn around and squeal. I say to them "I'm only here for a few more minutes." Paige says "Okay, well hello and goodbye." Sarah and Quinn say the same thing. I walk to my car. Drive to the airport. Get out, get on the plane. Get back home.

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