Pregnant or not

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Emily's pov
After the nightmare I just had. I woke back up. I see everyone starting at me again so I just put my head down and cry. JJ walks up to me and pats my shoulder I look up at her and she asks me what's wrong and I look at her with fire in my eyes. She looks scared then walks away back to her seat. I just put my head down again.

JJ's pov
I go to comfort her because I know she is crying and I go over there and I ask her "Whats wrong?" And she has this fire in her eyes that sends chills down my spine so I go back to my seat. Everyone saw what happened so the rest of the trip was quiet. Hotch then said " JJ I want you and Morgan to talk to you the parents. Rossi and I will go to the Poloce department. Reid I want you to take prentiss to the latest crime scene.

Emily's pov
Reid and I got to the latest crime scene when he tried to said " hey, what happened on the plane? Are you okay? But before he could speak I said" Reid everything is okay. So leave me alone. "
After they solved the case
They got on the jet and Emily sat away from her team and stared out of the window. And thought "Ian is probably still at my house. What happens if Im not pregnant. What if I am. Then I will have to give birth to his kid. Is it a boy or a girl?" It was 6:00 PM when they got home.
At Emily's home
Of course Ian was on Emily's couch when she walked in. He said "are
you ready to find out? " I said" Yes, but what if I am not pregnant? " Ian then said" My Love, I do not care if you are not pregnant. If you are not then we will try again. If you are Thats great. " Ok I walked into the bathroom and saw the pregnancy test. I took the test and waited for the timer to go off. Once it went off I was shocked and very happy that it said... Pregnant. I went to go show Ian and he was very happy he jumped up and started to kiss me.

Pregnant by DoyleWhere stories live. Discover now