Telling the team

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Emilys pov
Rossi found out that it was Ian Doyle who said he was going to kill me on the tattoo he gave me. I decided to tell the team. I mean tell the team everything. Rossi already knows so why not. I have a plan of how Im going to tell them without them worrying or tracking him down which would be easy because he literally lives in my apartment. We didnt have a case that I knew of so I went to Hotch's office to see if we had a case of course he said "no" so i asked if we could gather in the round table room because I had more news to tell them. He said "Sure we can." So we all went to the round table room and everyone sat and I stood showing that I had more to tell them. So I said "Remember when I showed you my stomach?" Morgan said "Yes." I said " The heart that I said was writen in Dutch was actually writen in Italian so I could really read it and Rossi could too. So I guess you want to know what it says." JJ said " Yeah we kinda do." I said" It actually says I will kill you if you tell your team." They just starred at me. I said "That's not all. Umm I also know who did this to me." Morgan said "Who?" He said with anger in his voice. I said "You guys have heard of him. He is a terrorist and I have a past with him" They all knew who I was talking about they just sat there starring, untill Derek spoke and said " Ian Doyle did this to you." I said "Yes, but don't go after him and don't try and kill him or 1. I will kill you 2. He will kill me and 3. I am risking the life of 3 people if you do" I was talking about Declan, Clyde, and me. Then we all went back to our work. I hung out with Derek all day. I think I like him. But what I didn't know is he likes me to.

Derek and I were hanging out at my desk when Derek asked me" Emily, why didn't you tell me?" I just said" I couldn't." He said " Yeah sure, you're probably to busy sleeping with him to even think about telling us and letting us help you." He mumbled under his breath. Luckily I heard him and said "What was that" He said the same exact same thing but a little louder. My eyes started to water as I heard him say that I just said "Fuck you Derek, you asshole." I say it loud enough for everyone to hear and they look at us but I don't care. I stand up, open a one of my desk drawers and pull out a lighter and a pack of cigarettes and stuff them into my pocket before anyone could see them and run to the elevator and hop on and shut the doors I go out to a black Suv and pull out a cigarette and light it. No body knows I smoke but I really only smoke if I'm stressed or upset. I start smoking. Everyone from the team comes out of the doors to look for me. I put out my cigarette and spray perfume on myself to make sure I don't smell like smoke. They finally find my and all of them but Derek say "What happened?" All I could say is " Ask the asshole over there pointing towards Derek and I walk away to go back into the building. I go to the bathroom because I feel like throwing up. So I run to the bathroom and go into a stall and throw up. I throw up when I get really really stressed. But I haven't been eating in the past 2 weeks. There's a lot of things my team and everyone else in my life don't know. They don't know that I don't eat or sleep at all or that I smoke and drink and do drugs they also don't know that I self-harm.

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