Part Twenty Four

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Zak's P.O.V

I woke to my baby crying. The room was pitch black and it took me a minute to find the switch on

The lamp. When it flickered to life I hissed as the sudden brightness stung my eyes. Nova mumbled

Something in his sleep as he turned over. I shuffled out of bed, still a little sore, and made my way

Over to my sons crib.

'Come here baby.' I whispered as I picked a screaming Kasper up, cradling him in my arms.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I tried to calm my screaming child while I made him

a Bottle. It was hard with him squirming about.

'Come on Kasper, sshhh.' I bounced on the spot, gently patting his back as I shushed him. At this

Rate the whole house was going to be woken up.

'Zak, you alright buddy?' I jumped as Johns voice spoke out.

'I-I'm really sorry. H-he won't calm down and I can't make a bottle because he won't stop

Squirming.' Tears brimmed and threatened to spill.

'Its okay son, here, let me hold him while you make his bottle.' He smiled softly as he took a still

Screaming Kasper from me and snuggled him into his chest.

Quickly I prepared his bottle and another two that could be heated up later. I turned back to John

And smiled. Kasper had calmed down a little, but was still sobbing. John rocked the tiny baby in

His arms, talking softly to him.

'How'd you get him to calm down?' I whined.

John chuckled softly and held out his hand for the bottle, which I gave him. 'Ive had enough

Practice.' He smiled as he watched Kasper greedily guzzling down the warm milk. 'Don't worry

You'll get used to it.' He smiled at me, noticing my frustrated expression.

'If you say so.' I grumbled and he chuckled.

He sat down at the table, sitting Kasper on his knee while he burped my little son.

'Im not good at any of this.' I ran my fingers through my wild hair, 'Nova seems unfazed by

Anything, but if he so much as sneezes and coughs it sends me into panic mode. I can't even get

Him to calm down when he cries.' Tears fall over my cheeks and John looks at me with gentle eyes.

'Don't worry Zak. It's a learning experience, and a challenging one at that.' He handed me the now

Empty bottle, which I put in the sink and handed Kasper back to me. 'You'll learn how to deal with

His little spats as time goes on and it's perfectly natural to worry about him. And trust me, Nova

Isn't as unaffected as you think he is. He puts on a brave face for your benefit. It worries him when

He sees you flustered and panicked.' John ruffles my hair before hugging me reassuringly. He pulls

Back and pats my shoulder, 'come on, off to bed.' He smiled and led the way back through the dark


'Thank you for helping me. Sorry if we woke you.' I smiled at my alpha and he ruffled my hair


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