Thirty five

641 27 5

Person A has 10 page essay due in two days and has done nothing for it yet.

A knows they should go to Person B for help, but also knows that B already finished their paper a while ago and might yell at A for being lazy.

Person A instead closes themselves in their room, trying to get as much done as possible before the deadline.
After a few hours Person B walks into A's room and sees A crying, and close to a complete panic over the overwhelming amount of work due.

B slowly takes the laptop away from A, sits next to and hugs A, all the while gently telling them to breath and take their time calming down.

Eventually A calms down enough to explain the situation. Person B tells A that they are not mad at all, and is completely willing to help.

Together they make slow and steady progress on the essay.

EXTRA: A turns in an 8 page essay, but is still proud of the work that they did together.

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