One hundred and three

542 18 8

(A is always the Tol and B is always the Smol in this prompt set)
- A finding B in their sweater that is easily 3 sizes too big for them and B trying frantically to explain why they are in A's sweater

- A just shows up to random events with friends with B on their shoulders for no reason and this has just became the norm

- A getting beat up by some bullies on the playground so B comes in, and B is not even half the size of the bullies, yet B pounds all of their asses into the ground and tells A that they are gonna teach A about self defense and A right then and there just fell in love

- A always runs up behind B and picks them up and twirls them around, and since B likes it so much, B tries to do the same thing to A but fails miserably

- B climbs up on the counter to get some ingredients to cook with and A comes in and laughs because B looks so cute standing on the normal size counter getting ingredients

- A makes a flower crown for B but it doesn't turn out too good because their over sized fingers can't tie knots right but B loves it anyway

- B loving being the big spoon and A loving to be held like this because A was always the big spoon in other relationships and all A wanted was to be held and B finally gives them what they want

- A randomly picking up B bridal style through out the day and kissing them and telling them how much they love B

- A coming behind B while they are cooking and wrapping their arms around B, B always leans back into A, and A always leans down and rests their chin on B's shoulder and kisses their cheek

- B always gets a piggyback from A when they are in a huge crowd because A doesn't want to loose them

- B is the loving and sweet one who loves everyone and everything while A is an edgelord who hates everyone except for B

- A always making fun of B's height so B perfects 6 inch stilettos so now they are the average height of everyone else

- A accidentally grabbing one of B's coats and being stuck freezing because how the hell can anyone even fit into this size of clothing? It's so small

- A seeing B next to their gaint fuffly dog and A saying they have to take B's picture because B looks photoshopped because of how smol they are

- A cuddling up to B because they are cold and B always being warm because B is a smol ball of fury at all times
- B sitting in A's lap and they couldn't feel happier

- A shielding B from the rain

- A using B as a bench press while B goes on their phone and blogs

- B using A as a bench press while A goes on their phone and blogs

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