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"You fall in love too quickly," Jungkook exclaimed. Both of the boys were walking home together. "Well, sorry. It's not like I can control my eternal confession hormones, can I?"

Jungkook groaned at Jimin's behaviour today. Jimin and Yoongi were talking non-stop for the whole lunch, and they went to the same class together, leaving Jungkook third-wheeling.

A notification sound was heard. Jimin looked straightaway at Jungkook. "You got Grindr?" He questioned. "I thought you were allowed to be on there until you're 18."

"Well, I already look like 18."

"No, you still have your baby face." Jungkook tittered and nudged Jimin's shoulder. Both of the boys burst out laughing without any particular reason.

Jimin's phone began to ring. He took his phone out of his pocket to see his mum calling him. Jimin made the 'shush' gesture at Jungkook and picked the call.

"Yes, mum?"

"Jimin, where are you?"

"I'm on my way."

"Ah, good because we're invited to my colleague's family dinner."


"Different colleague this time. Be quick!" She hung up the call, and Jimin placed his phone back in his jacket's pocket.

"Seems like another family dinner, huh?" Jimin nodded.


"We should make a good impression at the dinner," The mother panicked as she was looking for a good outfit for Jimin. She picked out a black suit with red tie. "Here, wear this." She handed him the suit and pushed him out of the room.

A few minutes later, Jimin walked in to see how he looks. His mother glanced at him from all of the sides.

"Perfect. Let's go."


Miss Park and Jimin arrived at the house. They greeted the mother of the other family. She leads them to the dining room, where one male was sitting already.

"I'm very sorry; my son is taking way too long to get ready. Usually, he's not like that."

"No, no. It's okay."

A small male entered the room, making all eyes at him. "Ah, here you are Yoongi." Jimin looked up as he heard Yoongi's name called out.

Yoongi sat directly opposite Jimin. "Hi Jimin."

"Hi, Yoongi." Jimin greeted.

Everyone began to eat. Both of the families joyfully began their conversations. They were talking about their daily lives and how actually boring they were.

However, Yoongi and Jimin stayed quiet as they were eating. Jimin felt incredibly awkward, and so did Yoongi. They would casually talk in school, but not right now when their parents' are next to them.

"So, Jimin," Mrs Min inquired. "How do you know Yoongi?"

"Well, we go to the same school, and we have English class together."

"How long have you known him, Jimin?" Mr Park blurted.

"We began to talk today during the lunch," Jimin replied.

"Interesting," Mrs Min declared. Jimin took a glass of water. "Do you have a crush on Yoongi, by any chance?" Jimin nearly spat out his water. Instead, he choked a little making him cough.

"Oh no, no. Jimin is not into boys." Miss Park interjected.

"Oh, that's great. Girls have always surrounded Yoongi for most of his life." Mrs Min throws a look to Yoongi. "He still hasn't found the one to love."

"Don't worry Mrs Min. I hope he finds someone very soon."

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