18 | i need you

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Jason McCann.

I've never had anyone come to my house before. Only my mom, dad and closest friends have been over and that's it.

I promised I would never bring anyone home that I wasn't married to, but tonight I broke that promise.

I don't want to marry her, although I can see a possible future with her but I'm not right for her. She knows I'm not, but we both continuously go back to each other. But we're both too selfish and stubborn to give up and that's what I like about her, even though it pisses me off sometimes.

It was three in the morning, she was asleep with both her hands tucked underneath her head. I slowly and carefully removed myself from the bed making my way towards the balcony. It was a bit nippy out, but it didn't bother me.

Standing over the rail, just looking out into the night sky and wondering what life would be like if I didn't live this life. If I wasn't the man I am today. I love the life I live, but it gets lonely and miserable. All the women, all the fake friends, all the money...well, I love the money but it doesn't necessarily keep me happy. Especially when i have no one to share it with.

"No," i heard a low mumble, i turned around and Kelly was talking in her sleep.

"Mom, dad" she whimpered.

Is she having a nightmare?

"Jason, don't go." She cries.

I rush to her side, kneeling on my knee taking her hand in mind.

"Hey, hey, I'm right here." I whispered softly, but she just kept repeating it.

I tried shaking her, until she woke up.

Tears streamed down her face, her conversations were back and forth between her parents and me.

Why me?

Did I do something wrong? Of course not, if she's asking me not to go anywhere and I don't plan on it any time soon.

"Kelly, baby, wake up."

She's slowly became conscious, her eyes fluttered open and met with mine.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Tears brimmed her eyes and i just held her.

"It's okay baby, it's okay."

I pulled her away and wiped her tears away, she just looked lost and fragile.

I knew at this point, not only did i need her but she needed me just as much.


i've been a horrible author, gosh im so bad

here was another short update, i am on spring break and just relaxing and i will try my best to update as much as i can while im on this break until monday.

comment things you want to see or ideas that should happen next or what you think should be talked about more in this story.

im here for open ideas and if you want to privately share them, then my messages are always open for you all.

also, if you need someone to talk to friend wise, writing wise, or just need to vent about ANYTHING i am always here for you and if you cant reach me here, dm me on twitter ; doyoulani my dms are open to those who follow and dont follow me.

i love you all so much ❤️

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