My Story (Vik)

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Bit different trying to balance writing in the voice of a five year old while still trying to make it flow!

Hi. This is Vik. I am a boy. I am five. I am sitting in a chair. In the kitchen. Tobi says I have to stop writing like a robot. Tobi says I'm being silly. Tobi says to-

Okay, okay I'm starting again. Tobi says this is like writing a story and that all the best stories have sentences longer then ten words. He's here with me while I write this just in case I need any help with the spellings but he's not going to read it fully until I've finished. No one's allowed until I'm done! It's a secret until I say so!

Also I'm not copying Harry. He did this earlier but it was for school. I don't get any homework for summer so I don't have to do this. But I want to. It's...I think I'm better at writing than talking. I mean, I'm good at talking but sometimes people don't get what I mean no matter how much I talk.

There's some stuff I want to say that I haven't been able to say properly before. My dads and brothers always ask me questions and I get sad when I can't answer them properly. So that's what I'm going to do now. I'm gonna write all the stuff in my head down and when I'm done my family can read it. I want to make it good though so it's not boring to read. Boring books are boring.

Guess how you start a cool book. Like this:

Once upon a time in a land far, far away there was a boy called Vik Olatunji-Minter but he used to be Vik Barn. That's me! I'm Vik! I much prefer my new name. Like I said, I am five years old and I'm the youngest in our family. It's nice most of the time, except when they treat me like I'm a little baby. I'm not! My teacher always says that I'm very grown up.

I think I learned how to be grown up very quickly and only since I came here did I learn to...grow down or something?

I was born in America but we didn't stay there very long. Me and my mum were always on the move and we didn't stay in the same place for longer than a few months at a time. I'm not quite sure where exactly I've been but the places I can remember are America, India, Australia, Russia, Canada, Singapore, Kenya, quite a lot of places in Europe and the UK, which was where we spent the most time cause my mum always said business was good here.

I never liked all the travelling cause it wasn't the good kind like going on holiday. We never went to theme parks or zoo's or did fun activities or nothing. We always had to go to big grey buildings or really posh restaurants or places which smelt of smoke and were filled with people just playing cards. We never went far our of the city either, so everywhere was always noisy and loud and had loads of people.

That was the only life I ever knew. My mum taught me as soon as I was old enough how to help her out with her work. It was bad work...we would steal things from people but not like robbers. Instead we would trick them into giving us things by pretending to be different people. The people we would trick were never good either, my mum always found out as much as she could about them beforehand, but that doesn't mean it was still okay to steal. 

I don't know who my dad is but my mum told him he was like us. She seemed to think he was very good at what he did cause she always told me I had a good future ahead of me if I turned out like him.

I think she wished I could be like him straightaway. I think she wished I was never a child and could go straight into being a grown up. She never liked me doing any kid things and would get annoyed and give me a slap on my wrist. She hated it if I was noisy or if I made a mess or if I ruined my clothes or if I played with toys or tried to hold her hand when it wasn't for show. When I was really, really, really small I used to try and hug her but in the end I just gave up cause she would always push me away and tell me to "stop being silly young man!". 

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