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I think we all needed a fresh start. Me, Mum, Dad. Each for our own reasons, but a new start none the less.

For me, I just needed an escape. An escape from all the judgement, all the pressures.

A wolfblood can't be contained. We need to run. We need to be free.

I felt guilty that I didn't feel at all sad about leaving my old life behind. but I guess I wasn't leaving much. Day after day of coming home to a cold, empty house, only to be swallowed into a void of despair, loneliness and a shit load of homework.

Some life.

I sigh and lean my head against the car window. My music stopped playing a while ago, but somehow I seem content with just sitting here, staring out into the countryside. Not to mention the beautiful ambience of my parents arguing in the background.

I don't get why (or how) they're still together. I mean, if they've managed to survive everything that's been thrown at our family and still be able to stand the sight of each other, that's a solid marriage.

The car passes several houses before I realise we're almost there. Our new home in Newcastle.

I'd only ever been to the city once, and the only thing I can recall is that the trip consisted of only bad memories. I just can't understand how any wolfblood could function properly when surrounded by humans, traffic, not to mention the deafening road works. My parents only ever talked about it as a horror story, so how come Newcastle was now supposedly our saviour?

Apparently the house is on the outskirts, but still within waling distance from the city centre and the school.

I sigh even heavier: School.

Starting new halfway through a year, having to deal with the judgement of how I customise my uniform, being a complete loner. I can tell that tomorrow is going to be fantastic.

The likelihood of other wolfbloods being at this city school os next to none. Basically, I'm screwed

I glance at the road sign we're passing.

Glenn Gardens.

This is it.

My parent's argument has been forgotten as we drive down the road that is now our home. I notice the slight differences in each of the almost identical houses as they pass.

Number seven has a row of rose bushes under the front window.

Number nine has a window in the attic.

Number eleven obviously has a problem with number nine, because a high fence is halfway through being built.

I smirk at the idea. I also smirk at the fact that my imagination is the only thing that provides me humour.

But whatever form of smile I have on my face is wiped away when my attention turns to number thirteen.

I smell them before I see them. Its distinct how could i not notice it? The scent of two wolfbloods, one older than the other, clouded by the rank of car fumes and smoke.

Number thirteen has two wolfbloods standing on the driveway.

My parents drive on regardless, leaving me to stare out of the back window like an idiot. Did they not even notice them?

My chest begins to tighten. I feel sick. Seeing those two wolfbloods had brought everything into perspective. The car lurches onto the driveway, and then stops.

And for a second, so does my breathing.

I follow my parents out the car, still freaking out inside. I must be in some kind of trance, because the next thing I know, one of the removal men is pushing past me.

"Hey! Watch it!"

He goes into the house and I bite back the urge to snarl at him. Stupid humans.

I listen carefully to the conversations coming from inside the house.

They're arguing, again.

"Why did you bring this?"

"Me? What makes you think I'd want to bring this pile of crap?!"

Their argument is a blur in the back of my mind, I'm too used to it. What really catches my attention is a voice from across the street. I tuck my hair behind my ear, zoning into my abilities.

"It's going to be fine. We'll be okay, I'm sure."


"Of course. I won't let anything bad happen to us."

I turn around to discover that the voices I hear are coming from the two wolfbloods across the street. Do they even live there? Now that I'm not in a moving vehicle, I can properly look at them.

There's one boy and one girl. They're clearly brother and sister; if the protective nature of the older boy isn't a giveaway, they also look incredibly similar. Same hair colour, same body build, same grumpy scowl.

My mum steps out of the house with a refreshed sigh. She needs to stop this- assuming I don't hear the rows. I think she forgets I'm a wolfblood too.

"Isn't this great?" she asks, not expecting an answer. "It's such a lovely house, a natural sort of..."


"...traditional style isn't it?"

I nod in approval. She seems happy enough and goes back into the building I am now supposed to call my home.

I felt no motivation to follow her inside, so instead I continued to listen to the people at number thirteen.

"I don't like it here Matei."

"What do you mean? Why not?"

"It's not home. I want to go home Matei."

I watch as Matei pulls his sister into a hug. They must love each other a lot, I think as he kisses the top of her head.

I wish I had a sister or brother.

Leaving them to their own business, I step into the porch of the building. I'm not saying it looks shabby, but it's for certain the cheapest house on the street. My parents must be really keen on DIY.

"What's wrong?" My dad asks as he comes down the stairs, the steps creaking an alarming amount. I avoid eye contact, fiddling with the rips on my jeans.

"You haven't said a word since we got in the car" he adds.

I shrug. "I'm just tired. Can I get my room sorted out?"

"Yeah, take your time" he says, hugging me to his side. I smile. I love my dad so much more than my mum.


I put the last box on the floor and then flop onto my bed. After all of that, im ready to sink into the comfort of my double bed and sleep for days.

I'll unpack later, definitely.

I can't stop thinking about those wolfbloods at number thirteen. It was clear that they didn't live there, so what were they doing? What about their parents? Matei may possibly be a few years older than me but not old enough to be an adult. This mystery seems to be the only thing on my mind as my eyes slowly close, shutting me off from the rest of the world.

Author's note

So that was the first chapter! I can't wait for you guys to read the rest of this book, I've already written the first ten chapters!

For future chapters, you might need to know that Y/N means your name, and Y/F/N/ means your first name and surname.

please vote and comment, and look out for the next chapter! xxx

Strangers▪ Matei Covaci imagineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora