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As quietly as possible, I slip my key into the lock of the front door and unlock the house. I'm not sure if my mum would notice me coming home early,  let alone care, but it's never good to take the risk, especially on full moon day. I shut the door behind me and slip off my shoes, hoping that walking in socks will mask my presence.

I go into the lounge: no one. The kitchen: nothing but silence. I relax and grab an apple, making my way to the stairs, until I hear a door slam and practically jump a foot into the air.

Way to be subtle about your presence, mum.

"Y/n? Is that you?"

I sigh when I realise how stupid I've been; she can smell me, she knew I was here as soon as I opened the damn door. That's the thing with my mum. She tries so hard to be human that I forget she's like me, despite how distant she is sentimentally.

She appears on the stairs, patting her wet hair dry with a towel.

"Why aren't you at school?"

I shrug and push past her. "I didn't feel well, and didn't want to take the risk. You know- with the eyes."

She nods slowly, weighing up my almost-believable excuse.

"Well, just take care of yourself. You don't want to feel ill tonight. Oh, that reminds me. Come downstairs later, I've got some exciting news for you and your father."


I make a mental note to stay in my room for as long as possible as I go in, my eyes falling upon the boxes I have yet to unpack.

I'll do it later, definitely.

I flop onto my bed and run through everything I've been put through today. I think of this morning, looking in the mirror and basking in the feeling of vanity and confidence. I think of when I was a complete bitch to Matei and TJ, just because I was amongst
people who brought out and encouraged the new side of me that I was already fed up of trying to be. I think of when I was sitting on the grass with Matei, staring into the fog and finally, for the first time since moving here, feeling some kind of content.

I know which one of those I'd rather return to, I think with a smile. However it fades when I recall how everything changed. It wasn't just the fact that Matei suddenly wasn't interested, what hurt me more was what he said.

I play the phrase over and over again in my head, the words stinging more each time: you're obviously more human than a true wolfblood.

Way to punch a wolf in the muzzle.

Whatever hope I had of returning to a moment like today's has been shattered. And the shittest thing is I'll probably never know why.

He intrigued me, I'm not afraid to admit. The way he was so honest and upfront, but so distant and secretive. Yes, he was incredibly rude, yet he cared enough to come and get me. Me, a girl he barely knew. No, didn't know at all. Surely that means something...

Regardless, like I said, the chances I could find out any more about Matei Covaci got significantly smaller very quickly. Was it because the text was from Aria? Or was it that he genuinley valued my presence and attention? Both questions that I fear will never be answerd.


After having enough of wallowing in self-pity and disappointment, I decide to go downstairs and make some coffee.

Coffee solves everything. Even for wolfbloods.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, I realise my parents are arguing, again.

"Look, this is a bad idea!" My dad shouts.

"It doesn't matter what you think, it's happening! It has to be done if we want to stay-" my mum stops when she sees me standing in the doorway, expecting an explanation.

"Come and sit down y/n." My mum says.

I obey. She sits opposite but my dad stays where he is, by the window.

"So, my exciting news. While you were at school I introduced myself and our family to the neighbourhood, and..."

She pauses for completely unnecessary effect, making my dad roll his eyes.

" number thirteen..."


"...I met a wolfblood couple..."


"...who have two children that go to your school!"

I'm not one to exaggerate, but I'm pretty sure my heart stops. I find myself in a state of speechless that my mum misinterprets as joy, because she literally squeals with excitement.

"Wait, it gets better."

I glance over at my dad, who has a face that says it gets worse.

"I invited the family for dinner and full moon tonight..."

Yep, much worse.

"...and they said yes!"

This cannot get any worse.

I open my mouth to protest, to say anything, literally anything to get out of this, but my mum shuts me up by telling me they'll be here soon. She hurries me upstairs to "make yourself look presentable", which I take as a grave insult.

The door is shut in my face and I feel like bursting into tears.

I didn't even get my coffee.

Strangers▪ Matei Covaci imagineWhere stories live. Discover now