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The room is full of teenagers in bedazzled school uniform. Some I recognize, many I don't. I guess that's down to my own ignorance; of course Hannah's "close group of friends" would extend beyond the three people I know. I also wrongly assumed that "victory party" wouldn't be code for "huge drinking session".

I look down at the can which got shoved into my hand on arrival, and the feather boa around my neck which smells of plastic. Over an hour of absent-minded sipping means the can is mostly empty. My mind has a lot to contemplate, replaying the events of last night over and over. I analyse each second, to the point where I can't remember what truly happened and what I've made up. What I can remember is this: he kissed me, I kissed him, and it was the best feeling I've felt in ages. Having someone who needs me as much as I need them, and looks forward to my company...

Someone who asks to see you the next day, and understands when you have prior arrangements with your fake human friends.

I look out the window and see the outline of the ruins on the skyline. I know he's there, so why the fuck am I here?

"Having fun?" Charlie asks, setting down two small glasses on the windowsill.

"Yeah, it's... it's great" I reply, watching Charlie clumsily pour vodka into the glasses and pass one to me. He can't be serious.

"Cheers," he says, raising the glass and drinking the lot. I do the same, gagging at the vile taste. He laughs and my urge to growl at him is only increased.

We take another shot, and this time it doesn't taste too bad. Perhaps my subconscious would rather get drunk then talk to Charlie.

"So, got your eyes on anyone yet? You've been here a while, If you don't get with someone soon people are gonna think you're a fucking prude." He laughs again, a rank smell wafting from his mouth. "I know you like me, you fucking said you did."

I nod, grimacing with regret. He leans in closer and the smell is almost unbearable.

"How about we take this upstairs?" He says. I remember the bet he made days ago, which I have no intention of fulfilling. I need some kind of escape route, but what?

"Give me a minute"


As I approach the ruins, I can make out four figures in the darkness. By now, the effects of alcohol are starting to take hold; I can't tap into my heightened senses, and with every step, I feel a swelling sensation of nausea.

One of the figures comes closer, and I smile as I recognise the black jacket and head of messy hair.

"Hey," Matei says warmly, brown eyes wide with excitement. I try to reply, or at least apologise for choosing humans over him, but all that comes out my mouth is an aggressive hiccough.

"Are you..."

"A little" I answer. We stand there, me swaying gently, as Matei tries to comprehend the fact I'm slightly drunk. I decide to spare him the embarrassment.

"So, are you going to introduce me to your friends?"

His smile returns and my heart melts when I think about how much he's been looking forward to this. I follow him back to the group, pushing aside the lightheadedness. Now is not the time to set a bad impression.

"Y/n this is Selina" Matei gestures towards the girl I recognize from the match. Even in the dark, I notice how intimidatingly flawless her makeup is, and how her headscarf perfectly matches her jacket and shoes. She looks at me expectantly, and I realise I've been gazing for too long.

"I saw you play at the match," I say, hoping to win her over, "I thought you were great".

Selina shrugs. "I could have easily won, but if I used my powers it wouldn't have been a fair win."

"Well, I think that's really admirable."

She smiles. "Thank you"

Maybe the alcohol is clouding my judgement, but I think this is genuinely going well.

"And this is TJ. His family own the territory." Matei explains, introducing the boy who's been scowling at me since day one.

"Hey" I try my best to sound warm and welcoming.

"Hi" He replies bluntly. I think he's waiting for me to say something else. But what?

"Look, my family and I... we don't want any trouble. We're not after your territory, we just want to live here."

TJ looks me up and down as if he's deciding whether I'm lying or not. Eventually, he holds out his arm.

"If Matei trusts you, then I do too. You're more than welcome here." He doesn't smile, but there's a touch of warmth in his voice that wasn't there before. I take hold of his forearm, as he does mine. It's a wildie tradition; clearly Matei has been talking about me to TJ because city wolfbloods rarely have this custom. I feel a swelling amount of pride; this is a sign of acceptance, something I didn't think I wanted until now.

We both let go and TJ gives me a small nod which says I don't like you, but I don't hate you anymore. He and Selina walk back to Emilia, me and Matei looking onwards.

"I think they like me," I say, making Matei laugh. We stand there side by side for a moment, and I think about reaching for his hand. Looking down, I notice that his hands are shoved in his pockets and I swear internally.

"So, I'm guessing Charlie failed," Matei asks, unable to look me in the eye, "with the...y'know...the bet."

I can't help but smile at his awkwardness, and the temptation to mess with him is too strong.

"What makes you think he failed?" I ask. He turns and stares at me with a mixed expression of surprise and despair. It's enough to make me laugh purely out of pity; this guy is adorable.

"I'm joking, Matei. He's not really my type anyway..." I reassure him, cringing at the thought of being with Charlie.

"No? Who is?"

I think for a moment, and something in my alcohol-induced brain gives me the courage to reach up and kiss him. It's just a peck, lasting no longer than a few seconds, but it's enough to answer his question. When I pull away and glance over his shoulder, I see TJ staring daggers in our direction. As if his look was a trigger, I suddenly feel incredibly nauseous. Contrary to what TJ said before, I do not feel welcome here anymore.

"I should go," I say quietly.

"What? You just got here" Matei protests.

"I know, I'm sorry." I can still sense TJ glaring at me, but I don't care. Welcome or not, I'm don't want to lose whatever I have with Matei.

"Do you want to come over tomorrow?" I ask "It's just...no-one else is home and I could really use some company"

"I'd like that. Do you want me to take you home?"

I roll my eyes. "I might be tipsy but I'm still a wolfblood. I'll be fine."

"If you're sure..."

"I'm sure. I'll see you tomorrow." I flash him a quick final smile before heading back down the hill. His scent dwindles into nothing, and as I navigate the streets back home I get an intense bitter-sweet feeling. Almost everything today was a failure; I ran away from my human friends, I agitated TJ... almost everything. At least I have tomorrow.

I unlock the front door and step into the dark hallway, kicking off my shoes. Leaning against the door, I take out my phone and open a new message from Matei.

Hope you got home ok

Sincerely, your type xx

I need some water. Water and pizza.

Strangers▪ Matei Covaci imagineWhere stories live. Discover now