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The sun sinks below the horizon as I make my way home from the Kafe, turning the sky pink and illuminating the windows of offices and houses. I think of all the people behind those windows, working late or cooking dinner. I wonder how many of them are wolfbloods. Can they see what I see, hear what I hear? Or have the city fumes dulled their abilities to the point where they're just human? I feel the chilling breeze on the back of my neck, pollution swirling around in front of my eyes. Maybe Newcastle's already started it's affect on me.

As I reach Glenn Gardens my mind is still on the party. Ever since I told Aria I would be going I've been having doubts, and I can't stop thinking about the look Matei gave me in class. It meant something, something more than "This is a bad idea". But what?

I'm so deep in my thoughts I don't notice someone calling my name until they tap me on the shoulder. I turn around, and my heart immediately goes into a frenzy. It's Emilia, with Matei standing awkwardly a few feet behind.

"Uh...hi, Emilia" I manage to stammer.

"Hey, wasn't last night fantastic?" the young wolfblood beams up at me "I've never felt so at one with my wolf"

"Yeah, it was uh...great" I reply, trying not to look at her older brother who still somehow feels like a stranger. "What are you guys doing out at this time?"

"We were at the ruins" Emilia replies, walking alongside me. "It's a place up in the hills, away from the city. Used to be some kind of fort in the middle ages. No-one really goes up there, just me and Matei."

"You should come with us" Matei pipes up suddenly from behind, making me and Emilia turn around. He looks at me anxiously, as if he's spoken out of line.

"I mean, if you want to" he adds.

I stare at him for a while, trying to figure out what he's thinking. But the only thing I can see is pleading, and kindness. It makes me remember sitting in comfortable silence on wet grass, and right now I'd give anything to experience something like that again.

"Yes, yes I'd like that," I say eventually. His expression softens and I can't help but smile at this. We resume walking down the darkening street, Emilia several steps in front of us on her phone. I want to ask Matei again why our meeting on the field ended the way it did, because I still don't have an answer. But we're almost home and I want to spend this time wisely. Besides, I know what I want from him.

"I'm going to a party next week" I blurt out.

"I know. I heard." He replies bluntly. He looks agitated by the fact I've chosen to bring it up. I think about changing the subject, but I need to know what he thinks.

"Well, I don't know if I should go." I look at Matei for some kind of response, anything to let me know what he thinks. But he doesn't look at me. Instead, he clenches his jaw and looks in the opposite direction.

"Why not? I thought they were exactly your type of people" He finally says, coldly.

"What, popular?"

"No, human."

"Hey!" I step in front of him, stopping him from walking away. "I'm asking for your advice, not to be insulted."

He rolls his eyes, before finally meeting my gaze. "Look, if you want to go, then go. Be like them. But you and I both know that's not who you are". He shoves his hands in his coat pockets and pushes past me. He goes to Emilia, who is waiting at the door to number thirteen. I stand frozen on the pavement, watching Matei go inside, not looking at me for even a second. This kind of encounter between us is becoming a common occurrence.

I try to compose myself as I cross the road, taking out my keys to the house I refrain from calling home. I'm frustrated, at Matei, at Aria for inviting me in the first place. But most of all at myself. Why can't I just make small talk like a normal fucking person?  After struggling with the lock I finally get inside the dark and empty house, with the usual lack of parents. Typical. I go to the bathroom to wash off my makeup, but when I look in the mirror I see my eyes are glowing yellow and full of tears.

Fuck Matei Covaci.

-One week later-

I smile a thank you to Katrina as she passes my drink over the counter. I wasn't sure what kind of drink people have pre-party, so I just went for a lemonade. The Kafe is surprisingly full for a Thursday evening, mostly businessmen making the most of the free wifi, but the fairy lights and cute table lamps accompanied by the cool carbonated drink is helping me settle my nerves.

"What did you say the occasion was?" Katrina asks.

"Just a meal out, nothing special".

Katrina frowns. Does she know I'm lying?

"I mean, I wouldn't wear..." she motions to the short red dress that I've managed to stretch across my frame "...that for going to a restaurant, y/n..."

"Aria lent it to me," I explain "I couldn't really say no".

Katrina nods and goes back to wiping tables. I glance quickly at TJ, who is sat in the very corner of the Kafe, and has had a scowl on his face since I arrived. I can only imagine what Matei has said to him about me. And I guess sitting here in maximum 'popular girl' attire is not helping his perception of me. I still feel a pang in my chest when I remember what Matei said to me a week ago: Be like them. But you and I both know that's not who you are. I don't know what hurts more: the fact that we haven't spoken since, or the fact that he's right. 

I'm still thinking about Matei when Katrina returns to the counter.

"I spoke to your parents the other day y/n"

"Oh yeah?" I say indifferently, sipping my drink. I swear Katrina sees my parents more than I do.

"They told me you met the Covacis, Matei and Emilia."

I almost spit out my lemonade. Is she fucking psychic?

"Uh...yeah, I did" I reply, glancing back over to TJ. He's looked up from his phone and is clearly listening to our conversation.

"Poor kids, what they went through..." Katrina says with a sigh.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

Katrina goes to speak, but catches TJ stare. I look over to see him glaring at us from across the room. She quickly shuts her mouth and busies herself with the coffee machine.

"Sorry, nothing. Don't you have a dinner to go to?" she says, pointing at the pastel pink watch on her wrist. I check the time on my phone: 7:15 pm. She's right, albeit slightly pushy. I guess it's time to face my fears.

Author's Note

I'm back!!!

Wow, I really missed writing this story! The past year has been crazy for me, but now that I got a lot more time on my hands y'all can expect a lot more uploads in the next few months. Who knows, I might actually get round to finishing this story!

Let me know what you think, and I'll be back with a new chapter very soon!

Strangers▪ Matei Covaci imagineWhere stories live. Discover now