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Matei leads me around the back of the science block, where I smell cigarette smoke from ten minutes ago. A chain wire fence separates us from the school field, which stretches for forever due to thick morning fog. The temptation to jump the fence and run into what looks like nothing but a white void boils in my blood, but after what just happened it's difficult to find my common sense.

I approach the fence slowly and hook my fingers onto the wire. The metal feels cool and along with watching my breath form clouds in front of me, it helps me calm down.

Turning around, I see Matei leaning against the wall of the building, watching me with a smile.

"What?" I ask, perhaps too sharply.

He shakes his head, embarrassed slightly.


I turn back around and stand there quietly, shoving my icy hands into my pockets with a sigh. Great, now he thinks I'm like the rest of them.

Minutes pass before I sense him come closer. He stands by my side, looking out onto the field.

"You're not who I thought you'd be."

His remark makes me jump slightly. Do I take it as an insult or a compliment? Suddenly I recollect what I'm wearing and what's on my face, and decide it was probably the latter. Still, I decide to answer with a neutral hum.

Another few minutes drift past, this time much more uncomfortable. I imagine how this must look: two teenagers looking at a fence, both with their hands shoved in their pockets and a grumpy face.

Perhaps if he really does see beyond what I've been forced to look like, maybe this is worth it. Maybe this possible friendship would be worth a few drastic choices...

"So what are you doing for the full moon tonight?"

He looks at me, just about as shocked as I am. Then his expression softens.

"Not a lot probably. Just in the basement with my sister and uh..." he pauses, sighing deeply "...and my parents."

I smile, proud that I've thought of something smart to say.

"I didn't know the houses in our road had basements."

Bringing up the matter we live on the same road sparks something in him because suddenly he's smiling.

"Yeah" he laughs nervously. I can't help grinning at his laugh. Just as lovable as his smile. I congratulate myself on overcoming the awkward phase of the conversation before I continue:

"So, why did you bring me here?" I ask, looking around. "I mean, it's nothing special, is it?"

He shrugs and sits down on the damp grass. I follow, excited that I'm managing to maintain a conversation.

"When know, get too much, it's just a place to relax. On a clear day, you can see the city...and it's kind of pretty, I guess..." he trails off, aware he isn't making much sense.

I think of the field where I used to live, how it was my own place to be content and myself. All those occasions where I would sit there for hours lost in my own headspace. I picture him coming here, feeling how I would feel so often: hurt, insignificant, alone.

"Like a sanctuary?" I say without thinking.

He looks at me, softly, considerately, before quietly answering.


We sit in silence and look out onto the field. It's so peaceful, so...pleasant. For the first time since moving, I feel at ease, as if my world has finally stopped spinning. I happily pick blades of grass from the ground and twiddle them between my fingers. Matei does the same.

Matei looks at me suddenly and opens his mouth to speak, but is cut off by the sound of my phone vibrating in my blazer pocket. His expression falls and I smile apologetically, looking at the notification.

[ARIA] U good babes? was told u freaked out in science. come talk in library x

I bite my lip. Do I go, or should I stay here? I look over to Matei, hoping for an answer, only to see he's stood up and walking away.

I panic, quickly-and slightly clumsily-standing up, chasing after the boy whose smile I'm desperate to see again.

"Matei! Where are you going?"

On finally reaching him I catch a flash of yellow in his eyes before he faces me.

"What?" he replies spitefully "You were going to leave anyway. Go join your besties in the library."

Guilt strikes through me when I realise he saw the text, however why is he so offended?

"Hey, I never said I was gonna leave. I might have stayed if you didn't walk off on me." I return just as rudely as him.

He shakes his head, smirking. However this time I can't return the smile; his is different from before, filled with anger and hurt. "Of course you wouldn't. I'm not stupid y/n. Look, it's fine, just go. You're obviously more human than a true wolfblood."

He stalks off around the corner and I can't bring myself to follow. I'm not sure if it's pure confusion or upset from his insult, but something is glueing my feet to the grass. The speed of how things changed is almost enough to make me cry; I thought I'd at last found a person who appreciated who I was, someone who understood me and could comfort me.

And now I'm back to square fucking one.

To me, Matei Covaci is yet again nothing but a stranger.

Strangers▪ Matei Covaci imagineWhere stories live. Discover now