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I'm home alone for four days. Normally this would delight me but frankly, the novelty has worn off. Three hours into having the house to myself and I'm still where I was when my parents left; lying on the sofa, staring at the ceiling, phone resting on my stomach.

Today is the day. I just need some motivation.

I glance at the tiny scrap of paper wedged inside the phone case. When I put it to my nose I can still smell Matei's scent lingering on the crumpled corners. I wonder if all city wolfbloods can do that, or whether the smog and radio waves have obliterated this ability. Maybe I should make the most of this skill while it lasts.

I make myself a coffee, hoping that caffeine will give me the little push I need. It doesn't. Before I know it, it's getting dark outside. Maybe I should make some dinner...

I shake my head, telling myself to get a grip. I can't put off texting him forever.

Before I can talk myself out of it, I grab my phone and enter his number. Fingers hovering over the keypad, my mind goes blank. What do you say to someone you haven't seen for days, but can't stop thinking about for one second? Impulsively, I type out the first thing that comes to mind:

Meet me at the ruins, eight o'clock


Eight o'clock. That gives me two hours.


By the time I reach the ruins on the other side of Newcastle, the only light comes from the moon and stars, casting a ghostly light onto the long grass. Once I'm at the top of the hill, I examine my surroundings. As far as I can make out in the darkness, it's some kind of semi-demolished fort. Trees have sprung up amongst the fallen sand-coloured stones, and a footpath runs around the whole area, leading down to the bottom of the hill. It's deserted, and uniquely silent for something which lies so close to a city. Most importantly, I can't smell any scents, especially not Matei's.

Feeling slightly deflated, I sit at the foot of a stone wall. Hugging my jacket closer to my body, I check my phone. 8:04.

My hair is down -for once- and occasionally brushes across my face. I extend my legs out in front of me; the cold earth radiates through my jeans and onto the bottom of my legs, sending a chilling but welcome wave through my whole body.

To my relief, I can eventually make out Matei's scent getting closer. I stand up and practically beam when I see him approach. He's wearing the usual black jeans and jacket, and even from a distance, I can see the ring glisten against a fitted white t-shirt. However, my grin turns into confusion when he walks past me, not even looking me in the eye.

"Uh, Matei?"

He stops and turns to face me. "This way," he says, jerking his head in the direction he was walking.


"Just come with me". He holds out a hand, a smirk emerging on his face. I put my hand in his, my heart fluttering at the intimacy, and he leads me through the ruins until we're stood on the highest part of the wall.

Before us lies the entirety of Newcastle, bathing in a golden electric glow. A whole city as one entity made up of a million different lamposts, windows and car lights. The neon lights of bridges are reflected in the river. For once I can see the beauty of the vast human settlement fate has landed me in.

"Wow," I say breathlessly.

"I know" Matei replies quietly, giving my hand a little squeeze.

The longer I gaze at the view, the more intimidated I feel. How do I- something so small and insignificant -fit into all this?

"The city isn't something to be afraid of." Matei explains, perfectly reading my thoughts, "If we can live here, against all odds, we can survive anywhere."

"You really believe that?" I ask him. His eyes are closed and the wind is lightly ruffling his hair. When he finally looks at me his eyes are glowing yellow.

"Of course. This is our wild. Living alongside humans makes you appreciate who we are more. We can experience the city in a way they never could. We hear everything, smell everything, we feel the natural earth under the concrete. And this place... it's a little reminder of where we came from. You see, everything we need is here."

We sit, our legs hanging over the edge of the wall. Our hands, no longer entwined, rest an awkward distance apart.

"You've never thought about leaving, or going to the wild?" I ask.

"Never" Matei replies, impulsively touching the ring on the chain around his neck.

I reach over and touch it too, our fingers brushing for a second. "That's nice," I say, "Where did you get it?"

The yellow drains from his eyes as he glances down to where my hand is still holding the ring. While he attempts to answer, I feel a sensation rush over me. It's ansion, but all I can sense is homeliness. I hear laughter, cooing, a woman's voice...

"It was your mother's," I whisper. I can sense Matei's bewildered stare, and after I let go of the ring I can see that tears are emerging in his eyes.

"It's ok," I reassure him, "I know about...all that. You don't need to talk about it."

He shakes his head slightly and takes off the necklace, clasping it in his hands.

"She taught Emilia and I everything. It was her dream to raise us here, to prove that wolfbloods can thrive anywhere."

"That's why you never want to leave?" I ask.

"I can't. I owe it to them." he replies quietly. I feel a pang in my chest when I realise the turmoil Matei's putting himself through. As if losing your family in a fire wasn't enough, he has the weight of a responsibility which he clearly hasn't shared with anyone, until now.

I gently open Matei's hands and take out the necklace. He lets me do this, blinking through tears.

"Matei, your parents would be so proud. Look at you. Look at Emilia. She's happy, because of you! I promise that you're going to see your parents again. I'll teach you and Emilia ansion, I don't care how long it takes."

I drape the necklace over his head and back to it's original place. Letting my hands linger on his neck, I absent-mindedly trace his jaw with my thumb. He brings a hand up to mine, as a silent thank-you. But also a silent admission that, whatever this is, he feels it too.

"You deserve to be happy, Matei..." I whisper.

What happens next is a blur, partly because tears are forming in my eyes. I sense him coming closer, I feel our lips connect, and I kiss back with every inch of adoration I have.

Author's Note

I highly recommend googling Newcastle at night, it looks so beautiful!

Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter published- sis got writer's block :)

See y'all soon xxx

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