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I had a good idea as to how awful a full moon with TJ's family would be. But as I sit here now, sandwiched between my parents in the Cipriani's dining room, I'm surprised how much I underestimated the awkwardness of the situation. TJ and his mother sit on the other side. Everything about Imara exudes welcoming kindness, which is more than can be said for her son, who looks like he hates this just as much as I do.

No-one has said anything for at least five minutes. Clacking of metal on china, and the occasional cough or's undoubtedly not enough to overcome the tension which hangs thick in the air. Every time I move, I feel the waistband of my jeans dig into my stomach. I thought I should dress to make a good impression (it's not every day you meet the alpha of your territory and her son who hates you), but these jeans are too tight, and I'm shivering in my cropped white t-shirt.

I glance at TJ as he stabs at the steak with his knife. Everything about his demeanour towards me makes me believe I should feel guilty. But what the hell for? If anything, I feel anger. I tried to make peace with TJ, and- to my face -he accepted. But the image of him scowling over Matei's shoulder is on a loop in my head, an expression which I can see right now in front of me.

"So, I'm guessing you and TJ have seen each other around school." Imara says, breaking the silence.

I nod, not risking another glance at her son.

"TJ tells me you've decided to..." Imara pauses, choosing her next words carefully, "integrate with a human friend group."

"Well, I'm just trying to fit in."

She narrows her eyes for a second, then resumes eating her meal. "Have you met TJ's friends? Selina, Matei, Emilia, they're all wolfbloods."

"Yes, I have. We live opposite the Covacis, actually." I explain.

"Oh, fantastic. I'm sure Matei's glad to have a friend nearby who isn't his sister. Do you two get on well?" She asks.

"We do." I reply "Matei has been... very welcoming."

TJ drops his cutlery with a dramatic clang, rising from the table.

"Excuse me" he mutters abruptly before striding out of the room. Imara barely raises an eyebrow.

"I heard about what happened to Matei and Emilia's parents," I say bravely, my dad freezing mid-chew, "It's awful, what they've gone through,"

Imara nods. "Yes, truly awful. But they're strong, resilient. My company found them a wolfblood foster family right here in Newcastle, and it's astonishing how quickly they adapted."

I look around and see both my parents flashing me a subtle glare. I take the hint, getting up from my seat.

"Where's your bathroom?" I ask.

"Down the hall, to the left of the study."

Of course they have a study.

I wait until I'm out of sight until I pull a face of relief, undoing the top button on my jeans. Imara may have a dickhead for a son, but she sure can cook.

The grand front doors of the house are glazed over, but as I get closer, I can smell TJ's scent lingering on the doorstep. As I reach the door, I can make out his outline sitting on the stone steps, head in his hands. I watch him stir, and I realise he's sensed me standing behind the door. I guess I have no option but to go out and explain myself.

Quietly opening the door, I feel the chilling breeze hit my skin as I step outside. TJ doesn't even look at me, increasing my frustration.

"Look, I know that you know about Matei and me. And I get that you're not happy about it. So we can stay sitting here in passive-aggressive silence, or you can tell me what your problem is." I say, slightly more aggressive than intended.

He thinks for a moment, then shifts to one side. I take this invitation to sit, feeling the cold stone against my legs. It's starting to rain, so I hope this won't take long.

"Do you like him?" He asks, still not looking up.

"Of course" I answer. He doesn't reply, so I guess he's waiting for me to elaborate.

"With Matei, everything's just sort of...easy. He's not expecting someone I'm incapable of being. After being alone for so long, to have someone who is comfortable with who you naturally are is...the best feeling ever. I want him to feel that too."

"Matei used to be like that. But now, I barely recognise him. I saw you with Hannah and the others, and I guess I was scared you were turning Matei into one of them." He explains, a dash of sadness in his voice.

"Is that why you were-"


"Mm, I'll settle for rude."

He laughs, and I'm elated that we're finally getting on. "Yeah. And I'm sorry about that. I guess I just want my best friend back."

"I get it. If anything, I think that just shows how good of a friend you are."

He looks at me, pleasantly surprised by my compliment. It's true; now that I understand his motive, I can appreciate how similar it is to my own. Ultimately, we both want to make Matei happy.

"Look," I continue, "I understand why you...thought what you thought. I should have been honest about Matei and me. At the end of the day, this is your territory. If you want me to stay away from Matei, I have to do as you say."

He rolls his eyes. "We're not in the wild, y/n. My family may own the territory, but I can't dictate who you can talk to."

TJ gets up and heads for the door. Then, he turns around.

"Even if I could, I'd never tell you to stay away from Matei. The truth is... he's crazy about you."


He nods. "Just don't break his heart."

I laugh a little. "I won't. I promise."

TJ leaves me alone on the porch. I rest my chin on my knees, embracing the feeling of a peaceful mind (at last). After I while I take my phone and text Matei.

Hey, sorry I can't be there tonight x

I put my phone down and lean back, drawing my view up to the sky. The rain has stopped, and the clouds are clearing to reveal a beautiful full moon against a darkening sky.

I get distracted mid-stretch as Matei replies to my text.

It's ok. Can I see you tomorrow? x

I text back eagerly, heart fluttering at the thought of spending the day with him.

Of course x

I hit send, my thumbs still hovering over the keyboard. Then, before I can change my mind, I send another message.

I miss you x

Strangers▪ Matei Covaci imagineWhere stories live. Discover now