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We meet Danielle and Hannah after lesson and begin to walk to the Kafe. I'm both genuinely and pleasantly surprised by how friendly they are, despite the odd rude remark towards passing strangers.

We walk along the harbour, them discussing which teacher is the worst, me in total awe of the size of Newcastle. It's a surprisingly clear and sunny day for September, meaning I can start getting used to living in such a large city.

By the time we reach the small café by the water, I know the names of all seven of Aria's ex-boyfriends, four different colour pallets that Danielle said would compliment my eyes, and I had received a thorough description of every 'datable' boy in our year.

Although being very different to what my life had been before, I feel a sense of achievement that I had managed to muscle my way into this group. Not that I had much of a choice...

"I'm telling you, they're fake!" Hannah laughs as she opens the door, the bell ringing loudly. "No-one that nerdy and pathetic could have boobs that good. I bet you anything she stuffs them."

"Well, leave it with me." Danielle says.

We fill in the four stools by the counter and the girl on the other side immediately recognises me.

"Y/n! OMG it's been so long! I couldn't believe it when your parents said you were moving here, it'll be just like old times, eh?"

I smile at her enthusiasm. For a self-absorbed human she's pretty cool and also kind of sweet.

"Hey Katrina. I love what you've done with this place. It's very..." I look around, finding words to describe the exciting colours and cute decorations.

"'s very you."

She shrugs modestly and smiles.

"I try my best. I was going to go for more of a pastel pink theme, but my dad didn't approve. Anyway, nevermind about me, how are you? I see you've made some friends." she says, indicating to the others. They exchange their hellos and start making their orders.

The bell on the door goes and the scent of a wolfblood drifts closer. I turn around expecting to see a tall, dark haired guy and his sister that are causing my brain to go crazy with curiosity, but instead I come face to face with the shorter, dark skinned boy I saw with matei at school. He notices me too, and I can only assume that hes been told all about me.

He raises an eyebrow at me before pushing past, glaring at Hannah, Aria and Danielle as he passes.

"That's TJ" Katrina says "He's nice really, just moody sometimes."

"His family's loaded, they live on the posh side of town. God knows what his parents do" Danielle adds as I take a sip from my mug. The hot chocolate is rich and sooths my throat.

I look over and see TJ staring at me from the other side of the café. It's likely that his family owns the territory; money is usually a big contributor to who is alpha in a city pack, as I've been told. Never once in the process of moving here did I consider having to live on another wolfbloods territory, or joining a pack.

The population of wolfbloods in the countryside is higher than in cities, but my family had never had any trouble with wolfbloods on our territory where we used to live.

The likelihood of wolfbloods my age living in Newcastle was miniscule, but now it looks like there might be a chance for me to fit in after all. But despite this, something tells me my family aren't as welcome here as I first thought.


By the time I get back home the sun is barely visible, the last traces of light stretching out from the horizon and merging with the darkness of the evening sky.

At our old house I would always watch the sunset over an open field, sitting alone on a gate with nothing but my thoughts to entertain me. It was a place where I could feel safe and warm; a sanctuary, if you like. In a life where I was in desperate need of an escape from my so called family, I'd be lying if I said I don't miss it.

The sunset is nothing at all here. Rows of housing, flats and office buildings obscure the sky. I look glumly from the cloudy darkening sky to our road, my eyes falling upon number thirteen. The inquisitive part of me is restless, urging me to find out more about the Covaci siblings who seem so close yet so distant. But I push these thoughts away and instead unlock the door to number seventeen, my house, before shutting the door and shutting myself away yet again from the outside world.

One day, just not today.

------- the next day--------

I look in the mirror and can't help but feel some kind of inner satisfaction.

My hair is washed, neat and tied up in a casual high ponytail. I managed to put the right amount of makeup on my face to fit the latest style. Alterations have been made to my uniform to show my not-so-original originality. I found a pair of large hooped earrings amongst my pile of jewellery I unpacked (dumped) onto my dresser.

I pick up my bag and head downstairs, my newfound confidence helping me prepare for the inevitable confrontation with my mum.

Strangers▪ Matei Covaci imagineWhere stories live. Discover now