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Reggie In Mm

Two Weeks Later,
JFK Airport

"I really dont have time for this," Kay sighs, shifting in the hard chair next to their terminal and rubbing her eyes. She was exhausted, and so were the rest of them, they had to wake up at 5:00am to be ready to catch their 7:00am flight to L.A this morning.

"Kay, Chillout, We're all tired too," Swala says as she shifts in her seat too, moving her head around trying to pop her neck.

"Didn't nobody ask you Conswala ," Kay responds
"You didn't have to Kay," Swala shoots back.
"Yall, shut the hell up," Maya buts in rolling her eyes at the two.
"Excuse you Maya," Kay snaps her head towards her. Erica sighs as she stares at her phone, the time reading 6:45am. She was ready to board the plane, hell they all were ready to board the plane.

"Is it just me or is anybody else ready to go?" She asks outloud. "Im ready to go too," Essence calls out. They had a 6 hour and 24 minute flight ahead of them, and they couldnt wait to get it over with.

"I think we're all ready to go," Maya says, they all nod their heads. Sitting there waiting on 7:00am they all proceed to do whatever it was they were doing prespectivly; Kay on her phone scrolling through her twitter feed, Essence texting her on again off again boyfriend Reggie, Conswala reading some type of story on her phone, Maya checking herself in her camera, and Erica on the phone checking on her parents, letting them know what was going on, Not knowing what awaits them in L.A would change the course of their lives and trip for the better and worse.

Los Angeles, California
As soon as they got off the plane they headed to the nearest Enterprise with their luggage, ready to get a rental Car.

All Exhausted, They piled into the car, A black 2015 Chevy Tahoe, put on the Gps, and drive off towards the hotel. All they had plans to do today was lay around the hotel and chill. They all just wanted to sleep off the jet lag they had before hitting the town or doing anything.


And.. That was chapter two. Kinda long overdue but, Whatever.

Dejà VuWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt