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Woody's Condo
Near Sunset Blvd
July 2nd, 2017

Woody sat in his condo by himself enjoying the solitude. He loved his brothers but he needed to be away from them sometimes. He couldn't spend every waking moment with them. He had just came from a meeting about the movie he had coming out with Bryshere called Canal Street.

He knew it would be bomb and that everybody would like it. He also couldn't wait to see Algee's new project Detroit coming out on August fourth. Woody was proud of them, they had all come along way, and him personally, He was finally happy.

In such a short time, Kay came in and made it so that she was just about the only thing in his head some days. He found himself really vibing with her, even if she was just a tad bit crazy. He also enjoyed her friends too. They all had good vibes.

With Kay still on his mind, he decided to text her and see what she had going for the day.

"Oh lukey pookey!" Essence calls from the front room of the hotel room. Luke had been with Maya just about the whole day and they had been in that room for a good two hours now. She had to see what they were doing.

Being the person that he is, of course Luke ignored her. He and Maya were chilling, watching tv and he knew Essence just wanted to meddle.

"Lucassssss!" Essence sings. Maya sits up from under Luke and looks at him. "See what she wants," She nudges him. Before Luke could get up, Essence busts into the room and starts singing 'My My My' . Both Luke and Maya sighs before Maya ask her what she wants.

climbing on the bed between the two she pushes them away from each other.
"Oh nothing. Im just bored and thought i'd come hang with my friends for a bit," She tells them.
"You're usually talking to Keith, why don't you call him up and mess with him? You see grown folks up in here minding our business," Maya tells her.

Essence rolls her eyes, "Whatever. Plus I think Keith said he had to go take care of some business, whatever that means," at the sound of Essence saying Keith had business to take care of Luke choked and could not stop coughing. He knew what that business was alright.

"Dang, You okay Lukey Pookey?"
"Stop calling him that heifer," Maya tells Essence. She rolls her eyes and they start to pat his back while the coughing subdues. "Lucas, You okay?" Maya asks him looking into his eyes.

"Im fine, Maya. I just had a lil tickle in my throat there," He tells her. Essence and Maya side eye each other and then they look at Luke. Maya Knew something was going on and she was gonna get to the bottom of whatever the hell it was before it was all said and done.
"Algee what the hell were you thinking bringing me here, I should kick you in the shin!" Erica says to Algee tight lipped as she stands in the living room looking between Keith, The little girl, and what looked to be the little girl's mother. At first she thought that the little girl was Keith's cousn he was babysitting or something. Then she heard Keith and the girl arguing about who's day it was to keep her and whatnot.

All she could do was shake her head because Algee had just put her in the middle of a heap of shit. Algee felt sorry that he had brung Erica with him and Keith the moment the trio stepped in the door. He thought that maybe she wanted to ride with him and Keith and she wouldn't make a big deal out of the situation.

"Erica, Im sorry. I should have never put you in this predicament," He tells her. "You damn skippy!" She says back.
"Lola, don't do this. You see Kaidee and them back there. Please don't make a scene," Keith pleads with Lola. Here she was once again complaining about him taking her with him and she knew that he had things to do.

Lola rolls her eyes and puts her hands on her hips. "Keith, What the fuck do you have to do that's so important? You don't do anything but hang out with your stupid ass friends all day," Algee looks up, "Uh, Babygurr," Keith Turns around and mugs Algee.

Putting his hands up as if to surrender, he then grabs Erica and they move closer to the door. "Lola, You know what? Go get her shit," Lola stands there with a small smirk on her face. Her mission was accomplished. "I SAID GET HER SHIT READY, DAMN!" Keith Yells at Lola, Making Kaidee cry.

"Algee, Get me the hell up out of here before I curse you out," Erica tells Algee. Her whole expression read 'Pissed'. She was trying to figure out what the hell she just witnessed, and what the hell she had gotten herself into.

Well, That was chapter 10. Give me some feedback. Im gonna try to update tomorrow.


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