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At Keith's house
July 4th
5:49 pm

It had been a week since Keith had gotten Kaidee from Lola. It was now the fourth of July and Keith still has Kaidee. He doesn't mind though because he loves spending time with his baby. Keith was still looking for a way to tell Essence about Kaidee. He wanted to make sure he told her everything before they got any futher with their quote Relationship un quote.


"Algee, don't freaking touch me! Who is Kaitlyn?" Erica exclaims throwing Algee's phone at him. "Aye, Stop!" He yells back barely catching it before it hit the wall. They were obviously arguing. Algee had told Erica that she could go through his phone if she wanted to, He had nothing to hide.

Upon going through his phone, she finds messages from a girl named Kaitlyn. Whoever the hoe was, she went as far as to send naked pictures to Algee's phone. What vexed Erica was the fact that Algee didn't even try to hide the pictures or messages or anything. She had to admit, He was bold for that.

Erica quickly grabs all her things up and heads to the door. before she could snatch the door to Algee's house open He snatches her toward him by her wrist and kisses her.

"She aint mean nothing to me, aight? I told her to lay off because I was dealing with somebody but she can't take a hint. I'm here with you so that's all that matters," He tells her.

Upon hearing what Algee had to say, Erica's heart melted. That was the sweetest thing anybody had said to her besides Reggie trying to sweet talk her behind Essence' back but she wasn't having it.

Staring into his eyes, She leans in and kisses him back, this time with the same fire that she thought she felt for him at the moment. After sharing a passionate kiss, They look at each other, And it was on.

"Elijah, what are you doing?" Conswala whisper yells as Elijah pulls her into the back of the establishment. He had brung her to this Pottery shop that taught classes sometimes. It was something different for the both of them. So they ended up going in for a class, And next thing you know, Elijah is pulling Conswala in the back to look at all the private pieces that were off limits to the public, as of now.

Conswala couldn't lie and say that she wasnt enjoying herself though. Being with Elijah was like a breath of fresh air. He was fun, sweet, romantic, and knew how to hold a conversation.

Elijah was also enjoying himself. He loved spending time with Conswala. Even when he wasn't with her he felt like he needed to be. It was almost as if she completed him or something. He had never felt this way about a girl at all.

Essence layed on the couch of the common in their hotel texting Reggie. They were arguing once again. This time it was about him asking for Erica's Number. She was confused as to why this nigga would be asking for one of her bestfriend's number. She would for sure be talking to Erica about this. But wether or not Erica tells her that Reggie tried to make a pass at her is the mystery.

"Woodard!" Kay calls out as she walks to the back of his apartment and stops at his bedroom door which was closed. They were supposed to be chilling but Woody was locked up in his room doing God knows what.

Kay bangs on the door. "Woody open this damn door before I-"
"What girl?! Shit!" Woody snatches the door open only to be seen in a towel.
"Ohh," She says looking him up and down.

"My bad," she smirks. "Man, can you go sit down and wait until I get some clothes on?" Woody asks looking Kay up and down taking in her tight, yellow sundress. She looked like a snack and he just wanted to snatch up a fistful of her hair and smack her a- "Woody Mclain!" She shouts snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Im going in the living room, Meet me when you get some clothes on and stop drooling," She tells him and walks off. He couldn't help but to watch her butt as she did.

Luke and Maya were sprawled out on the floor, sweaty and panting. Maya had just experienced the best sex she ever had in her whole life. Her mind was so freshly clouded with sexual gratification that she couldn't even begin to remember how she had got in this position. Literally.

Turning her head, She smiled at Luke. Looking back at her, He smiles and kisses her. "Maya, I think I love you," He tells her.

That was chapter 11, Hope it was good enough lol.


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