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A week later..
2:25 pm
Crestling Hotel

"So when was you gonna tell me you had a boyfriend?" Keith asks Essense as the sit on the couch in the hotel room and chill with each other. She shrugs. "I figured it wasn't important, We're just friends right?"

Keith looks up at her and smacks his lips, "Why you gotta do me like that?" They both laugh. "Do you like what? We're not friends?"  He shrugs. "Yeah, we're friends, But you do realize in trying to shoot my shot here right?" Essence laughs.

"Keith, Shut up. You tryna' shoot your shot and we barely know anything about each other," She tells him. At this point, Keith freezes. He doesn't want Essence to know about Kaidee just yet. He feels it would ruin his change of getting with her. Being that they just met and all he wanted to make sure he could stay in her good graces but he didn't want to keep anything as big as his nine month old baby girl from her.
"Woody I will run you the fuck over, do not play with me with your ashy self," Kay tells Woody as they sit in his apartment, layed up under each other. Woody laughs at Kay,

"Im not ashy I have eczema, and you wouldn't run me over, you like me too much," Kay sits up and looks at Woody,
"Woody I'm most definitely not playing with you," He shrugs her off. "Whatever, Give me a kiss," He tells her  and presses his lips up against hers.
"Everytime I turn around Kay is with Woody and Maya and Luke is somewhere boo'ed up, While me, you, and Essence sitting in this hotel tryna figure out the move," Conswala tells Erica. Erica rolls her eyes, "Aint that the truth. But let me tell you about my date with Algee last week,"

Conswala turns to Erica to face her completely and gives her her full attention. "So," Erica starts. "He took me to this real nice restaurant and while we were there, We talked and talked and talked. And not like we usally do but we talked on a real deep level. We were talking intellectually, and about what we thought love was and everything, It was amazing!"

"then He took me to this real cute park and we walked and played around until I told him i was ready to go. So when we pulled up to the hotel, We stared at each other, and his peanut head ass leaned into me and kissed me girl! I swear i felt electricity bih! I think he's the one,"

Conswala looked at her with a crazy look, "Bitch the one? Yo ass better be looking for the two cause he aint right for you," Erica gives her a look back.
"What are you getting at Swala?"

"All im saying is re-evaluate this man, Think about his lifestyle and yours Erica. The fans, The constant moving around, His fame. You'll be in the spotlight if yall get serious and you know you don't like that,"

Erica did have to think about it. She really didnt like being put out on the spot. It drove her to the max. But she really likes Algee and feels as if they could be something. She feels like he could be what shes been waiting for her whole life.

While Erica was fantasizing over Algee, Trevor couldn't get Erica out his head. Like, He was just that mesmerizing to her. He had to let her know that he thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, But once again, His mind drifts back to Algee. How could he do that to his Boy? Someone he's truly close to and who's like a brother.

Trevor sat in his room in his apartment trying to get himself together, He had to either tell her how he felt, or get this girl out of his head asap.

Well, That's all for tonight, Im gonna try to update again tomorrow, So stay tuned and also i have a few new stories im working on so stat tuned for thoses as well.

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