"Everyone has a past."

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"So," Dinah eyed the brunette in front of her with a cautious gaze. "I interrupted a moment between you and Lauser the other night."

"It wasn't a moment," Camila rolled her eyes as she picked at her salad distastefully. "We were just catching up."

"You were or your tongues were?"

"Dinah," Camila chastised quickly. "She has a girlfriend, and I don't need you blabbing your mouth so loud in public. The last thing I want is for rumours to arise like they did that time you were seen leaving the hotel with me."

"Mani was mad." Dinah nodded and looked around the small cafe. "But seriously though, Walz," She leaned forward. "If you need to talk about anything Lauren-related...I'm your girl."

"You've always been my girl," Camila pushed her face away playfully. "But I'm serious, I'm focusing on my life right now and I'm enjoying what I'm doing. She's happy and Keana is great. We're okay with how things have turned out."

Dinah sat back and crossed her arms, watching Camila pick aimlessly at the leaves on her plate, the sun streaming in through the vast window and bleaching her hair a lighter brown.

"I don't believe you." Dinah decided and saw her friend's shoulder slump, ready to bite back with a retort she was sure. "It's Lauren. And it's you."

"There was a Lauren and I," Camila put her fork down. "That's over now. Give it a rest, Dinah. Besides, I'm leaving at the end of the week. My mom's birthday is coming up and I promised her a spa weekend."

"If you weren't leaving in a week-" Dinah pulled at strings.

"I'd still not fuck with Lauren's relationship. She's happy. I want. That. For. Her."

"I hate when you're selfless."

"I'm not! I'm over her." Camila groaned.

"Yeah?" The younger girl decided to take that as a challenge, to test how over Lauren Camila really was. "Go get that girl's number." She nodded over to the the takeaway area of the cafe where a girl was currently putting sugar in her warm drink.


"You said you're over her..." The Polynesian raised her brows with a shrug and Camila sighed.

Truthfully, she really didn't want to chat up some random stranger in the hopes that it would divert Dinah's attention away, but it seemed she had no choice right then. If she wanted the blonde off her back, it would have to start with the cute brunette about to make her leave.

Camila got up from her seat begrudgingly and shot Dinah a glare over her shoulder as she approached the wild-haired girl.


Hi? Camila chastised herself as the word replayed in her head. She could not possibly come up with something better to say than hi?

"Hey." Camila was momentarily taken aback by the sheer intensity of the girl's grey gaze.

The celebrity had always found Lauren's eyes to be the most intriguing ones she'd ever come across but this girl could possibly be taking that spot. Her eyes were a cloud grey colour, contrasting beautifully with her olive complexion and unruly brown hair. They had dark outer rings but faded to a near silver towards the middle.

They were mesmerising.

And the girl was beautiful.

Camila hadn't taken that into account when most of her attention had fallen on getting Dinah to back off, but now Camila could see it...the girl was breathtaking.

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