New co host!

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Me: hello everyone welcome back to the truth or dare chamber.
May: weren't we having a nice holiday from this place until you called us here.
Rebecca: calm down there is no dares yet.
Bonnie: why are we here then?
Lunala: there is a new co host.
Jasmine: welcome Teari.
Teari: Hi I am TeariHowl but please call me Teari.
Me: Teari tell us what you like and dislike.
Teari: I like poke shipping, contest shipping, singing (which I am awesome at), writing stories and Tracey (SketchHowlit Shipping Teari x Tracey). I dislike Serena, Amour shipping and Handyman shipping.
Tracey: *stares at her happily*
Me: thank you for reading and please remember to put more dares!

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