two dares in one chapter

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Me: okay welcome back everyone!
Lunala: now we have to dares by the same person
Rebecca: dare from PikaKyleeEeveeFoxLol = Dare 1 - Bonnie has to be a match maker and Dare 2 - all the girls must dress up as Nyan cat and dance to Le song Meowing
Teari: for dare 2 boys just watch
Jasmine: and also us host and co hosts must do it to since we are girls
                                                                                  DARE 1
Bonnie gets ready
Bonnie: I ship Misty and Ash
Serena: WHAT!😠 *fuming*
Bonnie: Serena and drum roll please...
Everyone makes a drum roll
Bonnie: Clemont!
Serena: why Bonnie why I used to like you
Clemont: girlfriend don't be mean to my younger sister
Bonnie: Tracey and Teari
Bonnie: Paul and Dawn
Bonnie: May and Drew
Bonnie: me and Max
Bonnie: Red and Yellow
Bonnie: Leaf and Blue
Bonnie: Silver and Crystal
Bonnie: Brock and I don't know
Bonnie: iris and Cilian
Bonnie: phew I am running out of breath... Gladion and I don't know, I don't know for the rest.
Me: thanks Bonnie
                                                                               DARE 2
All the girls dress up as Nyan cat and start singing Le song Meowing
Ash: they all look like idiots... Serena all ready is an idiot but this makes her more of one
Clemont: why are you all mean about Serena?
Tracey: because we hate her okay!
Brock: everyone but you thinks that she is more than annoying
Gladion: she is my enemy forever Clemont
Clemont: she is the only person I like in this room but my sister
All the boys but Clemont: W E  D O N T  CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: okay all the girls stop now
Teari: everyone (girls) get out of your costumes
Lunala: that was hard
Jasmine: okay remember to dare
Me: and come back next time!

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