SketchHowlit and LunarEdge shipping

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Me: hi everyone and welcome back for a chapter of SketchHowlit and LunarEdge shipping
Rebecca: SketchHowlit= Teari X Tracey
Caliseo: LunarEdge shipping is Gladion X Moon
Jasmine: this chapter is for Teari
Teari: :)
Lunala: let's start with Gladion X Moon
Gladion: Goodbyes
Moon: No don't go, please for me *does Lillipup eyes*
Gladion: K
Moon: I c u
Red: what does I c u mean?
Yellow: it means I see you
Red: ...?
*Gladion kisses Moon*
Red: So Badion kissed Sun?
Yellow: *sighs*
Red: let me name everyone
Red: Yellow = Orange
Me (red)= Brown
Gladion = Badion
Moon = Sun
Sun = Moon
Tracey = Lacey
Lauren (me)  = Boss
Rebecca = Miss
Green = annoying
Blue(boy) = Silly
Serena= Showcase lover
May= Ramen
Drew = Grasshead
Misty: Mallet
Rebecca: Red we get the idea
Red: who's Red?
Rebecca: I mean Brown
Red (or should I call him Brown): oh okay
*Red POV*
Badion kisses Sun
Sun: I love you Badion
Boss: now start SketchHowlit shipping
Brown(red): what's that?
Miss: Teari X Lacey
Brown: okay
Orange: sit here Brown
Teari: I love you Lacey
Lacey: I love you too
Brown: let me do a poem
Brown: You both have heart to hate so that what you do hate each other and...
*Not Red's POV*
Yellow: we get it Red they have hearts to love each other and that's what they do
Red: ...
Blue: go over there and quiet down
Red: okay *sits down quietly and reads*
Rebecca: *walks over* what are you reading?
Red: Pokemon Adventures Volume 5
Rebecca: My buddy *tackles him into a hug*
Me: okay let's leave them to talk...
Red: I know it is so mean to Meowth !
Me: *whispers to Misty* I might have to make a new ship
Misty: Okay everyone I will try and think. Lauren (me) you choose you know Rebecca the best out of all of us
Me: k
Rebecca: *says to me* Pokémon Book shipping
Me: okay new ship created
Tracey: Teari, will you go out with me
Teari: *blushes* Yessss!
Gladion: Moon?
Moon: Yessss!
*At the theatre *
Moon and Gladion kiss
So does Teari and Tracey
Me: thanks please remember to dare!

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