FourthWheel Shipping

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Me: hello everyone welcome back
Rebecca: well you should be all happy because you had a nice break
Teari: now we have a dare from PikaKyleeEeveeFoxLol
Jasmine: the dare is = I dare Max and Bonnie to kiss in front of everyone for 5 minutes.
Lunala: okay Max and Bonnie you know what we said.
Max and Bonnie kiss in front of everyone😝😍
Ash: they are surely in love
May: *makes a ohw ing sound* Max and Bonnie sitting...😍
Clemont: shut up May
Drew: shut up April
May: very funny your saying that because it is APRIL!😠
Teari: *5minutes later* okay stop now
Jasmine: thank you everyone
Lunala: and remember to dare!
Me: see you next time, bye!

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