Lets hear your opinion #2

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Me: hello everyone welcome back.
Rebecca: we are carrying on from yesterday.
Teari: 3) who is the least likely to realize someone has a crush on them, remember don't say Ash.
Clemont: Serena
Serena: How do you know?
Bonnie: Max
Max: May
Drew: May
Misty: Iris and Cilian
Everyone else: *says because we will be here forever*
Jasmine: 4) Most to have a hidden romantic side, guys don't say Drew.
Tracey: I have no idea
Brock: Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny.
Misty: You and your women that save the day.
Ash: don't get in a silly fight again
Misty: We weren't Mr Catch 'em all.
Tracey: look Teari I drew a picture just for you it took me ages.
Teari: *Faints with joy*
Iris: Cilian I hope
Drew: May has to
Ash: Errr... Misty maybe
Misty: *whispers so Brock can't hear* Brock to Nurse Joys and Officer Jenny because I have seen it.
Ash: That isn't hidden though
Misty: Whatevs
Ash: ???????????????????????????
Lunala: 5) who has the most prettiest eyes, smile and laugh.
Teari: *who has woken up now* Cause Wynaut!!!!
Ash: Misty
Brock: I think...
Everyone but Brock: Officer Jenny and Nurse Joys we know!
Tracey: Teari
Max: Bonnie
Blue: Leaf
Red: Yell ( a minute later) ow
Drew: May what all of you should say
Dawn: *muttering* Contest shipping, contest shipping
Clemont: Serena
Serena: NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS!!!!!!!!!!
Cilian: Iris
Paul: Dawn
Gary: most girls by the way I mean I don't like Serena's smile etc
Gladion: Lillie because she is my little sister
Me: okay see you later bye!

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