Distroy Serena (lets all celebrate)

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Me: Welcome back to pokemon truth or dare!
Rebecca: We have something smashing in store for Serena!
Lunala: That is right have fun shippers!
Teari: I am so excited to smash Serena!
Jasmine: Okay let's say my smashing dare: Trap Serena in a room filled with all shippers (poke, advanced, pearl, negai and alola) Then Pokémon from contents Zapdos, Lugia, Rayquaza, Entei and Lunala (the Pokémon) DISTROY SERENA!!!!!!!!
Shippers lock themselves and Serena in a room. Rayquaza, Zapdos, Lugia, Entei and Lunala. SERENA GETS DISTROYED!!!! Everyone has a party until she is back from revival chamber.
Jasmine: Thank you for joining us with distroying Serena!
Me: See you soon bye!

Pokémon truth or dareNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ