Vistor of Ships *Part 1*

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Me: hi everyone! Now I will hand it over to Rebecca!
Rebecca: well last chapter, we heard of Soul...
Silver: Noooo!
Rebecca: She is coming to visit us! By the way she is my OC!
Me: Apparently she is Silver's Sister!
Silver: can I die?
Gold: No!! 😢😢😢😢😱😭

Soul: Hi! My name is Soul! I love to ship things!
Everyone: really!?
Soul: here's my list!

Soul's Ship List,💝


And More... Including the Co-Hosts!

Everyone: you don't like boyXboy do you?
Soul: yep! I love them!
Soul: now let's start with... Original!

Soul: hey Blue and Red! How was last night?
Blue: um...
Red: we went on a walk and I fell off a cliff and Blue saved me and we kissed for 30minutes!
Soul: Yes!
Blue: Red! Why did you tell her?
Red: so then she can make you kiss me more!
Soul: OMG! Amazing idea!

Red and Blue on a date... Suddenly a mirror appears!
Red: Aah! Blue save me!
Blue: fine. Charmander! Use Ember!
Mirrors HP goes to half
_____: it is super effective!
Mirror uses strength!
Red runs behind Blue
Charmander is too amazing for the mirror so the mirror faints!
Red: Blue! You are my hero! *kisses Blue*
Charmander: Char! *saying = I did all the work*
Red: when will you stop...
Me: don't break the fourth wall!
Red: this book?
Me: I hate you, Red! 😡😠
fourth wall: you might have to shut your mouth!*breaks*

Soul: I am guessing that happens a lot?
Me: every chapter!
Soul: next person to break it is getting punished!
Ash: I hate you guys, why did you create this book?
FourthWall: goodbye again cruel world! *double breaks*
Soul: okay Ash!
Ash: what?
Soul: you are messing with my ship time! 😡😠
Ash: don't care.
Soul:*pushes him into Serena pool* ha!
Soul: now PreciousMetal!

Crystal: Silver is mine!
Gold: no Silvy loves me!
Crystal: Silvy is mine and only mine!
Gold: how dare you call him Silvy!
Crystal: but you did!
Gold: because he doesn't care about me calling Silvy, Silvy!
Crystal: but you like girls!
Gold: 😡 ...
Crystal: now you are speechless!
Soul: let me decide.
Rebecca: and me!
Silver: um... Hello? Shouldn't I decide?
Soul: I choose...
Crystal: me!
Gold: her
Soul: Gold!
Silver: Soul.
Soul: yeah?
Silver: you took the words right out of my mouth!
Soul: good!
Everyone looks at Rebecca
Rebecca: don't mind me! *faints!*

Silver: Gold?
Gold: yeah?
Silver: will you marry me when we are older?
Gold: Yessss! *jumps on Silvers back.*

Soul: what now?


Soul: next... Pallet
Ash: *gets revived*
Serena: I hoped you enjoyed me!
Soul: he didn't so get lost!
Soul: Gary! Come here!
Gary: fine!

On date

Ash: um... This is weird
Gary: maybe you should get used to it
Ash: what doya mean?
Gary: doya?
Ash: I mean Do You
Gary: right
Ash: want a Pokémon battle?
Gary: why do I like someone dense? Sure...

Gary Wins!

Ash: what do you want then?
Gary: um... A... Kiss...
Ash: okay *kisses Gary*
Soul: Omg!
Soul: remember to dare, I will be back for Part 2!
Caliseo: and remember to dare!

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