Special shipping

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Me: welcome back everyone to the dare chamber
Rebecca: what dare are we doing?
Me: no dare 😜
Jasmine: but we don't have any truths... 😶
Me: I know...
Rebecca: ?
Me: Rebecca/Peanutsfan1 it is your SPECIAL SHIPPING CHAPTER!
Lunala: to start, Red *looks at Red*
Red: What?
Caliseo: *hands him a book about what a crush is*
Red: why do I need to know?
Yellow: Red... I have a crush on...
Red: Ooh...
Yellow: You!
Red:😍😍😍😍😍 *kisses Yellow*
Rebecca: *faints of happiness*
Teari: okay *drags Rebecca to a bed*
May: anyone want a Ramen?
Red: sure
Ash: and ME!
May: no ash not you, or you grasshead!
Rebecca: did I miss anything?
Me: nope...
Red: yellow...
Yellow: yes...
Red: will you go out with... Me?
Yellow: Yessss!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘
Meanwhile at the fancy Italian restaurant...
Red: can we have some curry please?
Waiter: sorry we are Italian not Indian Sir...
Red: oh sorry please can we have an English breakfast
Yellow: *facepalms* sorry Waiter give us a second...
Yellow: Red do you want pizza or pasta?
Red: I want your heart to love me...
Yellow: no red to eat!
Red: ohh chicken!
Yellow: I am having pepperoni pizza
Red: Same with spice!
Ten minutes later...
Red: Yum!
Yellow: this is good
Me: well?
Yellow: let's do that again
Red: yeah sure I was fun.
Red: next time let's do an Italian restaurant not an Indian
Yellow: Seriously! 😥
Red: what?
Yellow: we went to an Italian restaurant not an Indian!
Red: oh
Me: okay bye!

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