Ramen date

24 3 12

Me: hi guys! Sorry for not updating forever. On the 5th - I'm going to stop updating any of my books as much as I do because I'll be starting school again, so homework -_-

Lunala: today we have a dare from Rebecca.

Rebecca: I dare for May and Drew to go on a Ramen date. And I need to tell Drew something!

Drew: what?!

Rebecca: *whispers* whenever she shouts "Ramen!" You have to kiss her to get her to shut up!

Drew: that's going to be many kisses.


Drew: *kisses May* I'll see you in a minute.

Jasmine: Omg you kissed her!

Drew: she shouted ramen.

Caliseo: Rebecca meant on the date....

Me: oh well!!! *without Drew noticing, attaches a tiny camera on his Pokeball.


Drew: two Ramen bowls please.

May: No! Get us 5!

Drew: *facepalms*


Drew: *kisses May*

May: •///•


May: who's that?

Drew: I don't kn- oh No! *facepalms*

May: huh?

At the Truth Or Dare chamber

Me: I forgot to tell you. We've got two people joining us.

Teari: PersonSayinStuff has given Pansy permission to add her OCs; Jace and Milani.

???: hi I'm Jace. Where's Milani gone?

Me: I have no idea.

Jace: Oh.....

Me: *whispers to co hosts* NameShip will be canon.

???: I'm back!

Jace: hey Melanie!

Milani: it's Milani. *grabs her mallet*

Jace: *backs away*

Drew: May got 10 takeout Ramen pots-_-

Me: why not more?

May: because I ran out of money and Drew didn't give me any! >:(

All (co) hosts: Drew!!!

Me: next we have a truth! Again from @Peanutsfan1!

Teari: Rebecca!

Rebecca: Yeah? *puts manga book down*

Lunala: your truth

Rebecca: huh? Oh that! *starts reading again*

Jasmine: I'll just say it. Rebecca has a question for May;
How much do you love Ramen? Do you love it more than Drew?

May: I 100% love Ramen. Same as Drew. ♡

Drew: •///•

Milani: Yes! Give us the contest!!!

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