Chapter 1

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Olivia's POV:
I stand in the lobby of my apparent waiting for my ride to arrive. I stare outside where it is raining heavily, the rain always makes me think of the song "Stranger In Moscow" by Michael Jackson. I put on my ear phones and listened to the song, just then a man with a mask covering half his face walks into the lobby.

I give him a friendly smile and by the way his eyes looked I think he smiled back. I continued listening to stranger in Moscow when I hear the man ask "are you listening to stranger in Moscow by Michael Jackson?" "Yeah, How'd you know?" I ask curiously. "I can hear through your earphones, are you a fan of MJ?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "Yes I love him! I think he's the most talented artist who ever lived, he's amazing! I just wish he was still alive..." I reply. He smiles "how old are you?" He asks. "13." I simply reply. "Wow, there aren't many young people who adore Michael Jackson anymore." He remarks. "Yeah I know, it's a shame because not only was his music amazing, but he was such a good guy, helping sick children, donating to charities, I just wish the tabloid didn't try to ruin his name."  The man looked into my eyes filled with hope as if I just proved this generation isn't completely terrible. Just then a limo pulls up to the apartment, the man looks "oh, that's my ride. Have nice day young lady." He says and begins walking away. "Wait! I didn't catch your name?" I ask. The man pauses, "um... Joseph...." he says unsure. That's weird why is he unsure about his name? "Well you have a good day sir." I smile and he leaves to go to the limo.

Mother always told me it's dangerous to talk to strangers but there's something about that man that seems so familiar. Something makes me feel like I can trust him, I'm not sure what it is...  as I'm trying to figure out what about that man is so inviting I hear a honk and see my ride to school is here.

****Math class****

I sit at my desk doodling pictures instead of listening to my boring teacher and I find myself drawing the bad symbol from MJ's album "bad" "Miss Wilson!" My teacher snaps at me. "Huh?" I look up and the class laughs. "That's what I thought! Why aren't you ever paying attention?!" She yells. This boy named Christopher who sits next to me grabs my paper where I was doodling and holds it in the air "she was doodling! That's why!" He says and the class laughs again. He looks at my paper seeing how I drew a quick cartoon of Michael from smooth criminal doing the anti gravity lean, a little cartoon of Michael as a zombie from Thriller and the bad symbol. "Ew! Your a fan of that freak?!" He says in disgust. "He's not a freak! He's a genius!" I say defending Michael. "That's enough!" My teacher shouts and continues with the lesson. I don't care what they think, I love Michael he's amazing. I keep doodling and I draw Michael from stranger in Moscow, it makes me think of that stranger from the lobby again.

****After school****

I couldn't stop thinking about that stranger all day, he looked so familiar and reminded me of someone but I couldn't put my finger on it. I decided I needed some fresh air to clear my mind and luckily it had stopped raining so I called my ride and told her I wanted to walk home.

When I was approaching my apartment I saw the limo! I decided to wait outside and watch to see if the stranger would come out. Sure enough he did and he entered my apartment building. I also entered the apartment building following behind without him knowing. The stranger went down the hallway of the first floor and usually I take the elevator to the 2nd floor but something in my gut wanted to follow him so I did. I quietly and slowly looked around the corner and saw which door he entered. I walked up to his door. Now what? Why'd I do this? I thought to myself. As I was about to turn around and walk away I heard someone singing. I put my ear up to the door to hear better. Someone was singing stranger in Moscow!

"Like a stranger in Moscow... (oh not the same)
Like a stranger in Moscow ... (oh not the same)
We're talk'n danger!
We're talk'n danger, baby
Like a stranger in Moscow"

He sounded just like Michael! I put the pieces together, why he was wearing a mask, why he looked happy when I said what I thought about MJ, why he hesitated about his name, everything! That man might be Michael Jackson...

Without thinking I knocked on the door, but then I quickly regretted it and panicked. Oh no! Why'd I do that??? What am I going to say? I can't just be like "I know your Michael Jackson"

There was a pause and I thought about running away but just as I decided to run the door opened.

"Oh. It's you again, how can I help you?" He asked very kindly. I felt butterflies as I looked into his eyes, I knew it was Michael, but he had the mask on. "Uh... c - can I ask you a q- question?" I stuttered. "Yes of course, what is it?" He asked back. "Um... why do you wear that mask?" I saw panic flash over his eyes and he became nervous. "Oh.... um.... i.... I was burned as a child... so I wear this mask to cover up the scar..." he said not very convincingly. "I'm sure it can't be that bad, you should be proud of who you are, now please can you take your mask off?" I begged. He paused and gave it thought "I'm really sorry, but I can't." He spoke. "Why not?" I asked. "I- I just can't." He said. I looked down at my feet obviously he wouldn't take his mask off for you, what are you thinking?! "I promise I won't tell..." I say almost in a whisper. "tell what? What do you think is behind this mask?" He asked. "My idol, my inspiration, the one man I want to meet... Michael Jackson." I say still looking down at my feet feeling sad. I hear him sigh. "I'm... I'm really sorry... I'm not the man your looking for, Michael Jackson is dead. I am Joseph." He says, and I feel tears fill my eyes "I'm sorry, I'm so dumb! Why would I think your Michael Jackson?!" I say mad at myself. I start to walk away but then I hear him call out "wait! I didn't catch your name?" I turn around and smile "Olivia."

I hope you guys liked the first chapter, Thanks for reading!

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