Chapter 3

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Olivia's POV:
I lay in bed watching the clock, it's now 3:45am "Joseph" should be asleep by now. I slip out of my bed and quietly tip toe into the hallway. I stand outside of the guest room where Joseph sleeps. Once I open this door I will see my answer. What if he's awake? What if he has the mask on? What if he's not Michael Jackson?! or what if he is Michael Jackson?! I take a deep breath and grab the door nob. This is it... I turn the door nob but realize it's locked! Damn it!!! Are you kidding?!! This boy locked the door?!! Of course! I should've known it wouldn't be this easy. I shake my head and walk back to my bedroom.

****Next day****

It was almost time for my parents to come back home and Joseph to leave. I honestly didn't want him to leave, he treated me so much better than my father. Luckily he said we would go to the movies after my school tomorrow, we exchanged phone numbers so if I needed him he was only one call away.

Me and Joseph were sitting on the sofa watching TV when we hear the door unlock. I suddenly jump and Joseph grabs my hand to calm me. My parents walk into the room and my mother hugs me. "Dad... how are you feeling?" I ask slightly scared. He just rolls his eyes and goes into his room. "He's a bit grumpy..." my mother says. She looks at Joseph, "thank you so much, I'm sorry it was so last minute, if you ever need something we'll be happy to return the favour." My mom says "oh don't mention it, me and Olivia had a great time." He says. They shake hands and Joseph turns to me and gives me a concern look, "see you on Monday." He hugs me and leaves.

Once his presence is gone I miss it immediately, I don't want to be with anyone els but him right now, he's the first person to treat me with kindness in years. Of course my mother is kind to me but I barely see her, she even works on weekends. I head to my room feeling rather lonely. I sleep for the rest of the day because I can't wait to be with him again tomorrow after school.

****Monday Morning****

*Beep* *Beep*
My annoying alarm clock goes off, "ughh" I groan. "Five more minutes..." as soon as I say that my father bursts into the room "TURN THAT CRAP OFF!" He screams, he walks towards me and fear runs through my whole body as I know what is about to happened... "dad I'm sorry!!" I plead but he slaps me across the face "SHUT UP!" He yells and punches me in the stomach. "Don't make me come back!" He growls and leaves the room. I quickly shut off my alarm and clench my stomach, he really knocked the wind out of me. What a good morning... tears fill my eyes as I wince at the pain but then I remember I'm going to the movies with Joseph after school! I drag myself out of bed and get ready for school.

"Joseph's" POV:
I wake up to the sound of muffled screaming. "TURN THAT CRAP OFF!!" I hear from the apartment above me. Then I hear "SHUT UP!" I realize that the apartment above me is Olivia's apartment. I quickly get out my phone and text her: "is everything ok???" It takes about two minutes till she replies "could you hear him screaming?" I reply, "yes." Then she texts back "yeah I'm fine..." but really I know she's not.

I trust Olivia, she is a sweet girl. Maybe I'll tell her one day... but not now.

Olivia's POV:

School wasn't too bad even though everyone was still making fun of me, the idea of hanging out with Joseph helped me hang in there.

When I got to my apartment building I went to Joseph's apartment door and knocked. The door swung open and there he stood. "Hey Olivia, how was school?" He asked "it was alright, how was your day?" I replied, "good." I think he smiled but then he frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "Your cheek... he slapped you didn't he?" Tears filled my eyes "yes..." I whispered. He immediately hugged me. "He also punched me in the stomach." I cried harder. "Shh... I know, I know. Can I see?" He tried to comfort. I wiped my tears and nodded. I lifted my shirt just enough so he could see where my father punched me. Their was a big bruise. He sighed, "here come in." He said and let me in his apartment. "Lay on the sofa" he told me and I obeyed laying on the sofa. He came back with an ice pack "this should help." I placed it on my stomach and Joseph sat next to me. "The limo will be here in 20 minutes." He said. I just nodded.

****20 minutes later****

Joseph was right, the ice pack did help. We were now walking to the lobby and waiting for our ride. "What movie do you wanna see?" He asked. "Hm... I heard beauty and the beast was really good!" "Beauty and the beast it is then." Just then the limo pulled up. "Shall we?" He asked like a gentleman. "We shall." I said. 

We got inside the limo and it was so nice. "Where to Mr. Jackso-" "BILL!" Joseph interrupted the driver. "Oh! I'm sorry! Where to?" He asked again. "The movie theatres." He replied. Was he about to call Joseph "Mr. Jackson"?

"Wait Joseph??" I asked. "Yeah?" He replied. "How are you gonna eat popcorn with that mask on?" I said with a smirk. "You really wanna see me without this mask huh?" He asked. "Yes!!" I pleaded. He paused and gave it thought. "It's alright we don't need popcorn." He finally said. "What?! Oh come on, what's a movie without popcorn??" He chuckles "Olivia it's fine I can still eat popcorn. With the mask on." I pouted but he patted my back. "Be patient... you will see me without my mask, just not right now." That made me smile knowing that he would show me his face in time.

****After the movie****

"Joseph's" POV:
The movie was great! We were now in the limo riding back to the apartment building and Olivia fell asleep in the limo. She was a cute girl, she looked so innocent. But then she frowned in her sleep. She mumbled a little in her sleep. "Please stop..." she said. I think she's having a nightmare. Suddenly she woke up and looked at me. She quickly hugged me and started crying. "Why does he have to hit me?" She cried, "I'm so scared of him!" She continued crying. It broke my heart to see such a sweet young girl crying terrified of her own father. I had to help somehow, I just did. "Olivia..." I spoke softly. "Yeah?" She sniffled. "Look at me." I whispered. She looked up and I removed my mask, she gasped then fainted.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I really like writing this book. :)

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